That's how you know
I was so impressed by this movie. Basically it's Disney making fun of all Disney princess films. But the amazing fact is that it's the best original music I've heard in a musical in YEARS. It sounds like classic Disney and I love it. Hopefully someday we'll get more good original music, but until then I have this...
Keep breathing, relax.
Earlier today Granny and I went shopping and discovered this uber yummy Asian stir fry (we got samples there) so we got some to make for dinner. Granny added turkey and the meal was tasting quite wonderful.
Until I swallowed what must have been a bone from the turkey. OWE. It felt like a double ended needle going down my throat. SO freakin sharp. I wasn't quite choking but I couldn't swallow either because every time I tried the pain was unbelievable. No one knew what to do. I got very scared very fast though I didn't panic, I just got really tense. Mom and Granny told me to relax and keep breathing deeply and to lean my head far back and take small sips of my pepsi. I did... and every swallow HURT and then I got very hot and started to feel feverish. Finally the evil sharp thing unlodged itself from wherever it was in my throat and went down. Now my throat just feels very sore. I hope it didn't poke anything and cause internal issues.
So that was my dramatic experience of the day. I have nothing else to write about these days so I thought I'd share my scary moment.
But now it's here! YAY! I can't wait to try it! I hope it's everything I dreamed of. (ok so I haven't actually dreamed about it... but it better be cool!)
But this one I made myself with some new software my friend Kevin helped me get.
Of course it's a Hermione/Harry video... mostly because they just happened to be who I have the most clips of on my computer and this video was mostly for experimental purposes having the new software and all.
Anyhoo, enjoy! And feel free to leave opinions.
But I will never think that way again! I'm so happy I met with him and was able to discover just how awesome he is. Often times when I've tried talking religion with anyone or about the bible with anyone, in return I was made fun of. (except with Shane and Christina). But I felt comfortable enough to say how I felt with Pastor Stock and we instantly hit it off and shared a lot of the same opinions. He was also really nice when it came to me not having a job. In my file, he wrote down all the things I enjoy doing... (writing, photography, oil painting) and said he would do what he can to find me a paying job at the church.
At the new members brunch on Sunday he came over and told me he thinks he found something I would enjoy and may be hearing from someone soon. It doesn't pay but he said it may lead to something that does. I don't know exactly what it is yet, but I'm very excited!
Also at the brunch, Don (my former teacher in the new members class) and his wife Alice introduced me to a member that has a lot of connections in Indiana with different dental offices and she took my name and number and said she will do what she can for me!
So needless to say, I've barely been a member for a week and I could not feel more welcome. It's like an instant family. Not to mention it feels just generally good for my soul to be with people who believe what I do. I took so much from that new members class and I don't want it to stop. I'm thinking of attending the bible classes on Sunday mornings that the pastors teach themselves.
I just really love it there and I want to be more involved. As Pastor Stock told me... going from visitor to member is like buying a house. You find the one you want, and it's all great on the outside but when you're actually handed the keys, it's a whole new world.
I have the keys and I can't wait to get settled!
In your FIZZACE, Iphone!
Well the other day I wondered if it would be possible to start using my pocket pc as a phone. I told this to Shane yesterday and he explained that if it has a SIM card slot, all I should have to do was take the card out of the razr and put it in the HP and I should be set to go. (I don't know a lot about phones so I was not aware it would be this easy) But it was! He put the card in for me and TADA! I now have the awesomest phone ever. If I had known it would be this sweet I would have done it a long time ago.
I also got a free software that my friend Kevin recommended to me yesterday that lets me watch any Youtube video on it.
So basically, after wanting the iphone for months I've discovered that what I already had is way better.
*Free wifi that connects pretty well
*Phone service (I can hear people a lot better now)
*I can play games on it
*Watch youtube videos (in darn good quality)
*It has a messenger program that lets me use anything from AIM to ICQ
*It takes pictures
*Plays mp3's
*Has awesome battery life as long as I leave the brightness on dim (which is plenty bright enough)
*Full qwerty keypad!
*sigh* I felt like a kid on Christmas morning when Shane helped me with that yesterday!
Now I'll I need is a job and a new computer and I'll be all set. :D
The things people say...
I was playing on a team with this guy and we were losing but it was still a fun game. Anyway, he got really aggrivated when he couldn't kill anyone and he started yelling this to our opponents...
"Oh man, screw this! Screw it all! Screw your couches, screw your grandmas, and screw your pork chops!!!!!"
I laughed so hard.
I don't think...
Well anyway, whether anyone sees or cares or not I am posting yet another Harry/Hermione video. This one is really nicely done and the editor/make of the video actually made their own little story out of it. Basically it shows Harry's memories in black and white, how he feels for Hermione and then later he discovers her diary and starts reading it and is literally pulled into it... then it shows in sepia (that brownish color) how she's been feeling too.
It's just really cute and there's a lot of moments in here from when Dan and Emma were younger which makes it even better because he's stated plenty of times before how Emma was his first crush in real life. And There's this one scene where she has to come running towards him down the dining hall and Emma said when they were filming that scene, she was so excited, she just wanted to run to Dan as fast she could and hurry up and get herself in his arms. (sigh) Cuteness.
After having the Saturn for about 3 years, I was used to going in for the simplest of things and getting horrible news in return. There was never a time that I took the Saturn in and didn't end up having to have something major fixed.
So needless to say I was nervous about taking my car in today, especially with it being new to me and it not being checked yet. Well the mechanic came out when the oil change and check up where finished and he goes "Ok so here's the news... you need a cheap tire rotation... the end. Your car is awesome."
I was like "YES! I'll take it! Do the rotation!"
So they did that and then came back out and said "OK, clean bill of health. You did a good job picking this car out" And I was handed the printout telling me today's visit would cost 44 dollars! The lowest amount I've ever seen there! I said "Wow. I am NOT used to the paperwork looking this good and everything being so easy."
And the mechanic goes "Everything's changed now, Hun! You've got a Honda!!!"
So weeee! *spins around* That visit made my day. Now I feel even safer in it than I did before.
In other news, Michael Flatley has been the guest host on Dancing with the Stars this past week...
And man... he is seriously the most charming dude on the planet. I've only ever seen silly clips of him riverdancing with his shirt off. But to see him talking and dressing in nice suits... I was totally smitten! He has the most wonderful irish accent and everything he says sounds like poetry. There is not a mean bone in his body. Everything about him is so smooth and elegant and I've never noticed until now... he is adorable! He has the cutest face. And I also did not know... he's from Chicago! That makes him even awesomer.
So I'm gonna share a clip of him performing on Dancing with the Stars. It's worth it to watch til the end if you want to see a seriously awesome shot.
My latest video
As you can tell, I've become quite fond of the effect of speeding clips up in reverse. lol. I really enjoy it for some reason.
Well, I was watching tv earlier, about to fall asleep when I saw this breath-taking performance. The idea is that the husband is a business man, in love with his job, and has to be there to make ends meet anyway, but his wife never sees him, their marriage is falling apart, she needs him desperately.
Hate the song like everyone does... but just watch the dancing. It's so beautiful.
I just found out that one of my all time favorite books (that no one has seemed to have heard about) is being made into a movie.
This is awesome amazing news to me. Of course nothing will be as good as the book was but I have high hopes for this. The main character will be played by Johnny Depp who I think is absolutely insanely PERFECT for the role. Not to mention he actually personally co-owns the rights to the movie.
What also keeps me hopeful that the film will be good is that the author of the book is writing the script for it.
And the best part about this movie... I've only met one other person who's read this book. This movie will give it a lot more recognition and it sure as heck deserves it.
It is the only book that has ever gotten to me so emotionally. It made me laugh, it made me smile, it made me incredibly angry, and it made me SOB. Not just cry, I SOBBED. If a book affects a person like that, it is worth reading. The only other person I know who read it is a guy... and it made him sob too. So it's not just me being an emotional woman... it's a very touching masterpiece.
Read Shantaram!
In the words of DC Talk... I'm sick and tired! Sick and tired!
I'm just scared, I'm so incredibly scared. When does the nightmare end? Is it supposed to?
*pulls hair*
I am way too emotional. Sometimes I wish I could feel nothing.
(ignore the slutty girl)
So of course it inspired a music video...
(The video was fine until I uploaded it, then it became really blurry. So I'll be working on a way of having a better finished product. :p)
This makes me sad because I usually like the dark and creepy girl. And if you ask me, Helena Bonham Carter can be pretty darn dark and creepy... so why is Timmy all about the opposite woman in his films?
What's up with that? Let the weird girl get the guy for once!
What dreams may come
For the past 2 weeks I have not known that feeling much... except for short uncomfortable naps here and there.
I've always had a sleep disorder of some kind, a bit of an insomniac. But it's never been this bad. At night I feel so incredibly exhausted but I just can't get my mind to shut down. It keeps thinking about stupid random things... paintings, episodes of Friends, vaccuum cleaners, food, animals... just entirely random things... and I cannot for the life of me get it to stop.
This cannot be healthy. And will definitely NOT be good if I get a new job any time soon.
Kirk Fox
Commercial of the week
Cuz it makes me want to dance. And Chris Brown is cool even though he's so young. But mostly it makes me want to dance. Also Doublemint gum is nifty.
Switchfoot (click on images to make them bigger)

Pow! Bang! Boom! Batman
First of all, how is at all possible that no one is freakin talking about the fact that Two Face is in it? You would think that would be huge.
Second of all, yea it's quickly becoming one of, if not thee top money makin movie of all time but HELLO ticket prices are almost twice as much as they used to be. Take the ticket sales from the original Star Wars and add about a gazillion dollars to it and it would be the top grossing movie of all time too.
Bunch of media idiots.
Ok... so on to some good stuff. Heath Ledger... definitely an insanely awesome Joker. Though that whole tongue lick thing he did in the entire movie, was totally taken from the character of Barty Crouch Jr. in the Harry Potter movies. But other than that, very good and very scary.
The bat mobile... SUPER AWESOMERIFIC. I looooove the fact that the Lamborghini Bruce drives after the bat mobile gets destroyed is a DOWNGRADE from his car. Fantastic.
Not as many Chicago shots as I hoped for but the ones we saw were cool. Loved the Randolph train station stuff and the slow motion semi-truck flip was shown right in front of the building my mom works in ... the Chicago Board of Trade.
Still don't see what's so great about Christian Bale. He has awesome hair but that's about it. His mouth is shaped funny and the dude is just mean and lifeless. He's the same guy in everything I see him in.
Also would have seriously loved this movie if it was at least 45 minutes shorter. I will not be watching it again for a very long time, don't have the patience to sit through all the non-action dragging moments again.
But all in all, it was good. Which is big coming from me cuz I am not a Batman fan. Batman Begins bored me out of my mind and the other ones were all just too weird. (though I did love Batman Forever)
Soooo yea, that's my opinion on that for those who were wondering.
God is awesome...I survived! And I'm barely injured!
And He was.
Today at 8:30 this morning, I was on I-80 East going 70 mph in the far left lane. I see the car far ahead of me do a mad swirve and I instinctively figured that for whatever reason, I should be swirving too. So I started to and as I do this I see what we're swirving from is a HUGE whole tire in the middle of the lane... probably from a semi since it was so flippin big. I was not able to miss it entirely, I clipped it... which sent me out of control. I flew to the right across 3 lanes of traffic, spun completely around until I was facing oncoming cars, then flew BACK across those 3 lanes of traffic to the left and slammed into the concrete barrier... And I did all of this without getting hit by any of the other cars all going like 70 mph.
And somehow through of all this, I kept complete focus the entire time... it was almost like hey... I've been expecting this all week, it's not a surprise. And it was all in slow motion. You hear people say this all time, but that's really how it was. What all happened in probably a matter of 15 seconds give or take, seemed like it might as well have been an hour.
When I lost control, I said to myself out loud, to just go wherever the car wants to go. I hear when you lose control to never fight it, to drive in the direction the car wants you to... and so I did. And I almost got it back at about halfway through the madness, but somehow lost it. So as I turned around, I couldn't see any of the cars coming at me because at this point it was way too fast, everything was literally a blur. I just again... out loud... told myself "hold on, here it comes, here it comes" I gripped the steering wheel as tight as possible and braced myself for the impact. Which... the seconds before this happened were the scariest seconds of my entire life. It's one thing to get hit when you're not expecting it, it's another to absolutely KNOW ok... you're going to crash.
Anyway, I did. And when it was over I looked up and the cross I keep hanging from the mirror was flipped over it and hanging right in front of my face. I actually grabbed it, kissed it, and said "Thank you, God!" Then I looked down and both of my shoes were off... no clue how this happened. And then I look out of the window and a man is running towards me from his car that he pulled over, already getting 911 on his cell phone. He made sure I was ok, he took care of the police/emergency calls and had me call my family and Shane and he stayed there with me until the ambulance came... what an awesome dude. I would have gone into complete panic mode without him.
So the ambulance, a fire truck (coming to make sure nothing would like explode), and the Illinois State Police all showed up for little ole me. Which of course slowed down all the traffic and I felt bad cuz I hate being the reason for slow traffic. lol. And it didn't help things when they brought the stretcher over to me to take me to the ambulance. (at this point, we didn't know how bad my knees were or weren't). So I had my first ride in the ambulance, they just took me over to a big parking lot off the expressway to check things out and see if I even needed the hospital. I ended up just having to have ice on both knees and my neck is horribly stiff. The ambulance dude said it will be a looot worse tomorrow. He also said, my car is done for and when I do get another one... do NOT get a Saturn from any year. He's seen a lot of accidents and the Saturns all just crumble like paper. Even mine... which though it's a 95... was very heavy, very hard metal. He also said the car he sees surviving the worst accidents are VW's. I laughed cuz I've been wanting a Jetta for like 2 years now.
Buuut I won't be affording that any time soon. I have no idea what I'm gonna do or where this money is gonna come from but I need a car.
But new cars are doable, me coming back from the dead is not. I am SO happy to be okay and to be alive. I said that those seconds before the impact were the scariest seconds of my life... but the seconds that follow when I realized I was ok were the best seconds of my life. I must have looked like a dork to the man running at me with his phone as I sat there with a huge smile on my face.
I am in love...
Also, I am in love with Shane too. Which is good cuz we're gettin married soon. 9 months away! Going to his friend Mitsui's wedding the other day got me so excited for it. And I kept looking at Shane from across the room when he was standing in the receiving line... he was just so darn cute. I feel lucky and I can't wait to be his bride and wife.
Also also, my bridesmaids got their dresses the other day! YAY! They all looked so awesome. I have the best looking bridesmaids ever. Seriously, everyone who doesn't have my bridesmaids for their weddings should feel bad.
Also also also, I am already considering hunting for another job. I'm just not happy where I am. I miss assisting. I guess I'm a hands on person. And all this paperwork and charting is just bumming me out. I miss actually working on the patients. :( I feel like a loser.
Also, I am on a 5 day weekend and I just found out why... apparently we were supposed to be moving into our new office this week... buuuut the parking lot is a mess so we have to wait til August... but Dr. Colby just let us have the 5 day weekend anyway so we'd have a break.
Also yay.
Nick to the Swisher
Now I am still all about my Cubbies, but I like the Sox and I loooove Nick Swisher. It was awesome times. Plus the entire upper deck did the wave twice! I was so excited. I love and miss the wave.
Good times.
Sandy times
I have one vote from Shane, Chancy, and myself so far.
I think it'd be fun to get a nice little group there.
In your fizzace!
Was just told today by my new awesomerific boss that he's giving me my own office at our new place.
I win.
In other news, I have a problemo. I have Switchoot tickets and the other day Shane surprised me with Jim Gaffigan tickets... both of these events are happening on the same night. I've never seen Jim or any really good comedian before... but these are seriously the best Switchfoot tickets I have ever had and this is through over 10 years of attending concerts. I seriously managed to get the best seats in the house... front row, center. I do NOT want to pass that up. What do I dooooo?
I'm waiting to hear back from Jon... if Switchfoot is playing last, there's a chance we can see Jim first and still make it to see SF's performance.
But if not... I DUNNO! *goes insane*
Funny Quotes
Marcel: I love how Bill Paxton's solution to every big problem is to get in a car and drive towards it.
Latres: Phil, what month is your b-day in?
Josh: Banana
(5 minutes later)
Latres: ....Banana isn't a month!
Chancy: Once women have babies Colt stops listening to them.
Colt: Couldn't you just see me hitting a woman with a baby, wanting to know why I can't hear them?
Chrissy: That poor baby... why are you using the baby to hit the woman?(silence)
Colt: OH! No not hitting a woman with a baby, hitting a woman WITH a baby... as in she has one! JEEZ get your commas right!
Colt: Hey is that guy Jewish? ... Or is he just bald?
(my friends and I doing voiceovers for the Matrix)
Neo: I hate telemarketers... they always lead to bad dreams.
Morpheus: Here... all is not... and is ... ... ... will be.
Neo: Are those drugs?
Morpheus: Yes, take these drugs.
Neo: Good I need some drugs right now.
Morpheus: When you take these drugs there is a chance that you might die... but that is part of the test.
Neo: A test? But I thought they were just drugs, now it's a test?
Morpheus: ...... It's a drug test.
Luke: Hey Joel, you wanna know something about Sum 41?
Joel: What's that?
Luke: The first letter in Sum 41... is actually the same as the first letter in Switchfoot.
Joel: Are you serious?
Luke: Yea, and I bet a lot of people don't even realize it.
Joel: You know something else, the first number in Sum 41 is ALSO the second number in 24.
Luke: I don't get it.
Joel: Well then you're not a real Switchfoot fan.
Brandon: Q is so awesome.
Me: I hate Q. I can't watch Q. The guy who played Q also played a rapist in the Hand That Rocks the Cradle.
Brandon: That sounds familiar is that a book? Oh you know what's a good book and is a lot like LOST?
Me: What?
Brandon: Oh what the heck is the name of that book? I can't think of it. But did you see Lost last week? That was so great.
Me: Yea I know, I love Locke, he's my favorite character.
Brandon: I can't wait for September, it's coming out on DVD then.
Me: Are you serious? I didn't know that.
Brandon: Yea... and the season finale is coming up soon. I think someone is going to die.
Me: I hope it's Kate.
Brandon: It will be good though.
Me: We should have a Lost night for the 2 hour finale.
Brandon: Hey yea let's do that and we can make popcorn and not eat it.
Phil: We can watch it upstairs.
Brandon: But I got sidetracked, what was I talking about before. OH! SPEAKING OF RAPISTS!!! ...
Luke: Ok if Switchfoot and Lord of the Rings were to have a baby, it would be Chrissy.
Me: And what would they name it?
Luke: ... "Chrissy." They are very un-original.
(Luke sits down in the living room with all these people he's never met before)Luke: What's up guys? Been a long time, like what 19 years?
(people sit in silence, confused by this strange new person)
"Life stinks, don't you?"
"If Dorothy went shopping with the world we'd all be broke."
"There are no houses of mail!" (in response to me using 'de' in a spanish sentence where 'de' was not required. O.o )
Fifi: What if you were in a field and there was a tornado coming towards you? Well what you do is while you're being swung all over the place by the twister is to slap yourself in the face several times and say "Why the hell was I standing out in an open field when there's a tornado outside?!"
Me: (singing) I like to eat, eat, eat apples and baneenies.
Chancy: (joining in) I like to oat, oat, oat apples and banonos.
Philip: What are you doing?
Me: It's a song.
Philip: I SAID IT'S NOT!!!!!!
Me: "You guys are really heavy on your feet. You shook the whole house! (referring to DDR)Chancy: Well I wasn't raised in a ballroom, I was raised in a mosh pit.
Andrew: Chrissy says 'slut' a lot, you ever notice that?
Philip: Yea and 'typical.'
Andrew: *nods head* Typical slut.
Philip: You know when you can't remember anything you've done that you've had a good day.
Kristin: You know I was watching the commercial for State Farm Insurance and their slogan is "We live where you live," and that scares me.
Ben: You can't kill the bear! Bears are endangered animals!
Philip: Well endangered animals are a dime a dozen.
Grant: Can you hear that, Chrissy? Can you? Can you HEAR the midgets?!!!
Grant: If midgets were meant to fly, God would have given them wings.
Colt: Howcome you never put any of my quotes in your profile? Chancy says his ABC's and suddenly it's the first quote at the top of the page I mean c'mon.
Colt: Open foot, insert mouth.
Colt: See, you're no longer in the loop.
Me: What loop?! There is no loop! What are you talking about?
Colt: Me and Chancy are gonna have our own loop and you can't be in it.
Me: I was never in a loop!
Chancy: You ARE the loop. You're the Queen. Nothing ever happens if Chrissy's not there.
(I had to put that one ^ in there, cuz he called me the Queen! Mwahahahaha. *owns everyone* )
Marcel: Look at you walkin around with two shoes on, I'll tell you what!
Chancy: We discovered that the answer to every question is "The Matrix."
Fifi: How is that possible?
Chancy & me: The Matrix.
Colt: Ok you guys suck.
Fifi: Ooooh there's some llamas on tv! I love llam- wait, those aren't llamas, those are camels! Camels are so stupid!
Me: You're racist against camels?
Fifi: I am not. Llamas are better, they have their own song, I mean who would write a song about camels?
Me: (referring to Halo) Rob, how come you're always on a bridge or a building somewhere? Come down and fight me like a man.
Rob: Ok ok. (jumps down) Where's Chrissy?
Philip: On a bridge.
Rob: Everything is the Indian's fault... they shouldn't have gotten on our land before we got here. I mean why would they do that? They know we're coming... so why take our land? Now they all live on them reservations, I mean c'mon... I don't know who they're reserving it for!
Ben: My flag doesn't look like a puppy dog flag... you got the puppy dog flag.
Chancy: (while mocking Ben) Yea, I've got a big strong manly flag!
Colt: Why'd you kill me?!
Chancy: I killed you to save you.
Colt: That doesn't make any sense.
Chancy: Ok... you know how you kill a horse? (silence)
Rob: What's the difference between Mexicans and Indians?
Chancy: Mexicans are from Mexico and Indians are from Indio.
KrysCross: The band name is Hardly/Plenty. What do YOU think it means?
Squeak Foo: If you look at is as a fraction, Hardly/Plenty... Assuming Hardly is greater than Plenty. Plenty should divide into Hardly. How many times is unknown, but the overall assumtion is that you'll have Plenty before you Hardly have enough.
Rob: Hey I've seen some people walk through bushes, but man... you do it pretty well.
Fifi: You're either a mime or a quaker.
Colt: You can't die!
Me: You're Chancey!
Me: Hey Hat... I mean Chancy.
Chancy: You only like me for my hat.
Me: Noooo I like you for your charm and your wit and your... gimme the hat.
Chancy: We were all sitting around one day talking about middle names and Chrissy looks at me and goes "Chancy, what's your middle name?"(everyone starts laughing except Sarah and Colt)Colt: I don't get it.
Sarah: That's your real middle name?!
Colt: Ohhhhh!
Me: Marcel, have you ever seen Twister?
Marcel: Naked pancakes. (walks away)
(20 minutes later...)
Marcel: Yes.
Marcel: I'm just gonna eat my soup now.
Felicia: EAT YOUR SOUP????!!!!
Everyone: (awkward silence)
Mom: What a pistol that Colt is, he's a real son of a gun.
Me: Good job, Sherlock.
Marcel: Look who's talking, Watson.
Me: How come you never see any Governors on Governor's Highway?
Mom: Well probably the same reason you don't see any Presidents when you stay in the Presidential Suite.
Me: We can't afford the Presidential Suite.
Mom: Oh.
Kevin: True or False... The Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Omi: Well that has to be false. We don't even know where Pearl Harbor is!
Felicia: This is the song of my people.
Me: You don't have any people.
Felicia: Imma make some.
Me: What should we do for Halloween?
Bailey (the newspaper advisor):
How bout putting a Newspaper out?
Me: Yea, that will definately scare people.
Felicia: Let it hang... like Barbie at her Birthday party.
Debo: Shelly and I need a good 'He Said, She Said' topic to argue about in the Newspaper.
Sarah: What about rape? (awkward silence)
Cassie: You can't argue about that.
Bailey. Yes Debo, write about how men SHOULD rape women.
(everyone laughs)
Bailey: We'll put your picture next to the article and have your name in big bold letters. Everyone will loooove you.
Cathy: (while driving us home from the city) OMG! They have lights in the projects?!
Me: I turn invisible when no one's looking.
Max: I turn meaningless when no one's listening.
Kent: My birthday is this week.
Max: Exactly.
Rob: Now you know people would be upset if they made a WET as opposed to the BET. I mean we all know how much BET loves the Foo Foo's.
Marcel(in Alanis Moressette voice while playing Risk): I've got one piece in my pocket and the other one is taken over Northern Europe.
Felicia: You just killed him!
Kevin: It was a mercy killing.
Felicia: That wasn't a mercy killing, you beat him in the face.
Jenny: I played Bingo over the weekend!
Jon: Really? That's so weird cuz I almost played Bingo too.
Jenny: Really?
Jon: Yea but we ended up having sex instead. Guess I lost the toss on that one.
(Fiehn on how to get rid of demons)Fiehn: You want demons out of your house? All you do is exercise em. Man I tell you, 50 sit-ups, 100 jumping-jacks... they'll be out of your house before you know it.
Felicia: Is that perfume female or uni-sex?
Me: It's the scent of Chrissy.
Felicia: So it's uni-sex?
Tony: Hey man, why you got all them strawberries on your plate?
Jason: Cuz I'm a player.
Felicia: A player of what?
Hector: Strawberries.
Fiehn: Dang, where did the past 3 hours go?
Chancy: We stole them from Iraq.
Me: Hey howcome whenever I see you, you're going to English class?Hector: Cuz that's what I do. In my spare time I go to English.
Andy: How come your mom didn't get you anything that's not chocolate for Easter?
Christina: Because she loves me?
Me: Be careful with those ukulele strings, I don't know where we'd get more if they broke.
Shane: Amazon.
Me: The amazon? I didn't know strings grew in the amazon? (trying to impersonate Steve Irwin but my accent comes out horribly) Here we are today in the amazon on the hunt for ukulele string...
Shane: (making fun of me in an austrailian accent) And by the way, my mother was Australian and my father was retarded!
(sitting around trying to think of ideas for a star wars parody)
Rob: I should be the main bad guy. But I want something really different. Like I can wear boots... and there will be lightsabers coming out of them. But I'll also have 2 lightsabers in my hands... OH and I will hover. Could you imagine that coming at you? A huge vader like person wearing saberboots and floating after you...
Long post... but read it or die. (in the face)
I had a working interview on Thursday... which is where you go in and work the full day... 9-5 and you decide if you like it and they decide if they like you. ... Well we were all in love! I was crazy nervous about it for a few days but no more than 10 mins after I got there, I was already telling jokes and dancing around and feeling completely at home... which is hard for me. Most people know I can be VERY shy around new people.
And after like 3 patients, I was already jumping in and doing pretty much everything my job will consist of. Though the dental software they use is COMPLETELY different than what I worked with at the other office... I learned uber fast. So almost immediately after I came back from the lunch break, they offered me the job. Dr. Colby said I was assertive and really knew what I was doing and everyone loved me.
Sooo compared to my old job... I'll be making more money here, my position is fancier, there's a No Gossip/No Drama Policy (you have NO idea how bad it was at my old place of employment... every workday was worse than a soap opera), and instead of working every single saturday, I will be working every other Saturday... that is when the summer is over. Until then... NO Saturdays! Every weekend is a 3 day weekend! AND it's like 5 minutes away from Shane... plus they're opening another office that's even closer to him! Lunch is at 2... which is perfect because General Hospital is on at 2 and I can just drive to Shane's and watch it!
I also had another working interview on Friday which was a nightmare. The place was so unorganized and no one could explain what they wanted me to do. (every Dentist prefers things a different way and uses different products) And man, I was not expecting the procedure I had to assist. I've assisted plenty of surgical procedures before (extracting teeth and cutting the gums and whatnot) but this was was much more in depth. The doctor I worked for before only had the tools and time for wisdom teeth cases that were simple... everything else was referred out... so apparently the guy I worked with the other day is one of the ones that people get referred to.
It. Was. Gross.
The wisdom tooth was so hard to get to, that he had to slice a huge freaking cut into the person's cheek! And then it still wouldn't come out so through this hole, he had to dig at it with the drill. So in order to assist this complicated crazyness, not only did I have to work with 2 different types of suction at once, I also had to hold a tongue retractor in there too. So there I am, working with three things at once and only 2 hands while this heavily sedated (and very much asleep) patient is getting his mouth freakin torn apart.
And the amazing part... in the end the tooth came out perfectly whole and when the dentist stitched him up, it looked like nothing had even happened. Soo I gotta say.... despite the disorganization and horrible ability to communicate... the man was freakin awesome at his job.
But yea, I'm sticking with the other one. I just wanted to share my gross/terrifying experience. I felt like I was being thrown from the profession of dental dssistant to surgical nurse with no warning.
In other news... apparently there were tornados and floods and all kinds of crazy things happening everywhere on the planet and it somehow completely passed my town and Shane's.
Where There Are No Cars
We could get nice and warm and cozy and drink some hot tea while we watch the stars.
In this place, in this lack of atmosphere, I’d like to rest up ear to ear.
With you I’d like to take a walk… across the moon and step on rocks.
We could dance around them with our simple feet and smile and flirt and be all sweet.
In this galaxy, in this outer space, I’d like for you to gently kiss my face.
And while the rest of the world below us is busy, there are no cars here.
There are no jobs to do, there are no mean people, no silly attitudes.
There is no tragedy, or bumble bees, there will be no solitude, and there are no cars too.
I’d like to be stranded here with you… no place else to travel to.
We could love and laugh and play and with our tongues we’ll say “I love you.”
In this sky, in this pretty universe, there will be no use or other words.
And while the rest of the world below us is busy, we have the stars here.
There are no jobs to do, there are no mean people, no silly attitudes.
There is no tragedy, or bumble bees, there will be no solitude, only us and the stars too.
Wake Up Call
This one is loosely based off of the Deathly Hallows... focuses on Ron's jealousy of Harry and Hermione.
Call to Arms
Basically Ben Stein goes all over the place looking to broaden his knowledge on the fight between Intelligent Design/Creationism and Evolution/Darwinism. It becomes obvious at it goes on that the view Ben finds most interesting and perhaps most disturbing… is that I.D. should not be allowed to be taught in the classrooms; and not only that, but that those teaching it should be “expelled” from their places of employment and never be allowed to teach again. To even just suggest I.D. as a theory in an article… is completely forbidden. All over the world, the right to suggest, explore, or be taught this theory is silenced. The freedoms America fought so hard for, they’re all going down the phylogenic toilet. The point of this film is that yes, Evolution is gaining power but with power comes rebellion… and it’s time to fight for the freedom we earned… to be able to open our minds and allow ourselves to explore the possibility that we didn’t just happen.
I’d like to explore the IDEA that evolution is the logical choice and that even with the concept of evolution… God is still the answer, the end, the final frontier.
Now I wasn’t there so I can’t say for sure how it all went down, but word on the street is that it all began with a cell that just happened to form inadvertently. As time went on, this thing became more complex... stuff was forming in water, stuff in the water was forming into other stuff, other stuff was forming into monkeys, and monkeys were forming into humans. (Though I was taught in biology at good ole Thornwood H.S. that humans are actually closer to pigs in terms of a fetus forming in a womb, than they are to any other creature)
Anyway, with each change in a species over time, came the addition of complexity; not only in physical traits but with intelligence as well. Now some may argue that to put the Tendency (or the Drift) Towards Complexity in the same boat as Evolution is not a fair assessment, but I disagree. In fact, I think it’s painfully obvious that with the idea of evolution comes the idea that each species and its environment are growing more complex.
Okay, so on to the Tendency Towards Complexity. Don’t ask me how since I have never taken physics, but somewhere along the line I was able to form somewhat of an understanding of this Tendency Towards Complexity. However, being able to describe it in an intelligible manner is beyond me so I will now refer to a blog entry I found on the internet that I think describes it best.
“It means that, our universe has a craving for complexity. It has a life of its own and is continuously expanding. And as it expands, it becomes exceedingly complex. So, haphazard energy and unstructured matter were transformed into more meaningful entities. Energy became matter and matter metamorphosed into energy.
In this way, the first stars were born. And as our universe grew, the first stars died out and formed the first planets. And the various forms of matter came together, attracted by the influence of energy and formed complex cosmic systems.
According to the law of conservation of energy and matter, we recall that matter and energy are interconvertible and cannot be destroyed or created. Which simply means, that our bodies are remnants of stars that shone bright and proud several million years ago.”
Excerpt courtesy of
Now, before you go all “that has nothing to do with evolution” on me, let me first explain that I do NOT think they are the same but that they go hand in hand, that they simply run parallel to each other. It is my personal opinion that whether it started with stars or with cells, that IF the universe is growing more complex over time and the species on our planet are growing more complex over time as well… that it is not a coincidence.
Now recently I came across a theory that the Tendency Towards Complexity is just a path to God. This theory was suggested and discussed in a book called Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. (in the link provided above, the writer of the article also refers to this theory which he gathered from Shantaram as well) I’ve found a line from the book that I think helps to summarize how I feel about the Tendency and Evolution going hand in hand, “We human beings are the most complex arrangement of matter that we know of, but we are not the last achievement of the universe.” The idea is that everything in the universe is moving towards an Ultimate Complexity or… God. The idea is that this is what we’re here for; we are all moving closer to God over time.
Now, I of course completely disagree. I believe it STARTED with God and it will end with God. (Though God has no end.) But I think if you’re going to explore the possibility of Evolution, whether your idea of Evolution is the change in species OR the change in universe over time (or both) that you must also explore the possibility that God is the ultimate “species.” If it all started with a cell or a star, and it’s still growing, then at some point there will be an ultimate complexity, there will be an end. What has a beginning, will have an ending.
And he who has no beginning… will have no end.
This is Home
Also, this video by Feist is supercool. She's becoming famous for her one-take videos. This one is the best. Shane introduced me to it... we're still trying to figure out how on earth no one got burnt... especially the camera or camera man.
It was just plain cruel. First of all, there was a 2 hour rain delay to start off with and then they made it through 11 innings and the game got suspended because of all the rain. Though I gotta say those 2 hours were not at all boring. The entire time, they were showing video of funny or interesting baseball blunders. It was soooo hilarious. Whoever edited that ton of footage should seriously get a raise.
Also, since Jerry Owens is injured and I don't get to see him anymore, I needed a new crush to make me feel better about attending a Sox game and not a Cubs game. I am proud to announce that I have moved on to Nick Swisher. He's just generally pretty awesome.
In other news, I am so bored.
Random thoughts
One minute, you feel like you're on top of the world, like everything is going well for you and even then you have this inkling that it's all too good to be true... and it is. Suddenly you're snatched down from your comfortable seat on cloud 9 and brought back to earth in a cruel and unexpected fashion.
I know life isn't supposed to be fair and that it's a good thing it isn't. But that doesn't make things better. Why does it have to be like this? Where has the little confidence I had gone and will it ever come back? I feel so empty, I feel so... not in control. I feel scared and sad and bored.
Yet through all of this I have a wedding in less than a year. No, not a wedding... a marriage. My bright spot in an otherwise dim timelime. Through all of the hard times, God has been here and has given me another human being to cling to when I need it the most. It's amazing how things work. It's mysterious and feels illogical but there's a balance in my life I appreciate. Parts of it suck and other parts are beautiful.
This is my beautiful letdown. The parts of my life that are not happy or bright, the parts of my life that altogether seem not good... are all just a part of the beautiful letdown. In order to open my eyes to the beauty, I must first experience the disappointment. I don't always get it, sometimes I hate it, but in the end I am always grateful for it.
Now all I can do is sit and wait for the next thing to happen. The trick with the "beautiful letdown" is that there is no end to it, at least as long as we're alive and breathing. One thing will come and then the other. So what's next now? A pretty moment or an ugly one?
The waiting makes me nervous.
What a crazy trip it was. I will be posting photos from our day in NY as well as pics from the cruise. I also took a lot of video footage this time that I will try to get on youtube at some point.
Mom, Shane, and I were only in NY for a day (we spent the night in a hotel before our Bahama cruise) but we saw A LOT. From Battery Park we saw the Statue of Liberty, we went up the Empire State Building, we visited the World Trade Center site... which actually brought me to tears, and we spent time in Time Square... which is A.D.D. central. I've never been so distracted in all my life. And I've also learned that you don't know real fear until you've put your life in the hands of a New York City taxi cab driver. They are INSANE.
As for the cruise... not as warm and wonderful as we were hoping but it had its moments. I guess the ship's stabilizer broke at some point which made the entire experience extra choppy in addition to the fact that the ocean itself was producing huge waves. I think everyone got sea sick or at the very least nauseous at some point. It got SO bad that ALL of the water in the on board swimming pool splashed out. It was a big empty square pit. It was ridiculous. And I wish I could explain how it felt to be in the midst of it all. Despite not feeling well for a while, it was actually pretty cool. When the ship would go up and down you'd have these moments where your body would feel zero g's... like you were completely weightless... and the next second you felt like someone was pushing you into the ground.
And now, here I am at home... on stable land... and all I want to do is get back on a ship. My body is not used to this, my head swears that I should still be moving up and down and up and down. I'm actually sitting in a rocking chair as I type this because if I stop rocking, I immediately feel dizzy. What is the opposite of sea sickness? I dunno. But I hope this goes away.
Anyhoo, it didn't go exactly as planned but I had some good experiences that I'm happy to have had. I tasted aligator, road in an airboat on the longest river in Florida, met all kinds of people from all kinds of countries, learned that Root Berry is awesome, and I enjoyed constantly being in the presence of Shane... which is probably a good thing since I will be his wife in less than a year.
There is more to write I am sure, but for now I must get back to the book I am reading. Doctor lent it to me a while back and I am addicted to it now. It's called Shantaram and I highly recommend it.
My best video yet
Summer plans
Anyhoo, so far my plans/goals are...
*A trip to Seattle with the gang. (The gang being Shane, Brian, Andy, Christina, and Jim)
*Figuring out when it is that Mike Birbiglia is coming to Chicago and going to see him
*Hunting down Switchfoot... they are not playing here at all but I am determined to see them somewhere.
*keeping up with working out... my stomach is the smallest it's been in years and I can actually see some abs!
*seeing more of my old friends, I really miss everyone but my work schedule is retarded and when I'm not working I'm either with Shane or doing wedding things with mom.
*doing more scrapbooking. It's a new hobby and I'm learning I'm good at it and it's fun!
*learning more in swing dancing. Brian... you need to quit your job and come teach me more stuff. That's all there is to it.
And there was something else, but I totally forgot it already. Hmmm...
Dr.'s Big Give
So we get our usual handout sheets with what we're going to discuss on it and on the bottom of it in big bold letters is written "Dr.'s Big Give!!!!" So we're all sitting there for the entire meeting wondering what's going on and finally he announces to everyone that he's sending the entire staff to Mexico.
Rooms, airfare, and food will be completely covered by Doctor at an all inclusive resort. Also, he timed this trip perfectly with Shane and mine's wedding... so that we can use it as part of our honeymoon. We can go early or stay later than everyone else or whatever. And even during the time we're there with the staff, we don't even have to do anything with them except attend a couple "meetings" so he can write the whole thing off as a business expense.
Life is good.
As is my boss.
My Shoulder
My eyes are crying,
The heart is beating,
and my lips can barely respond to things that you said.
How many times?
How many times will it be like this?
Will I be getting answers?
Answers to the things I missed?
Cuz I don't want to be left in the dark,
I'm blind enough as it is, I got lost on the way to following my heart.
My arms are out in the air, feeling around for walls,
Hoping I don't run into them, can I avoid this possible fall?
Sometimes the weight of the world is on my crumbling shoulder,
It's just an expression,
Life's little lesson,
So I try to march on under the pressure, God's little soldier.
How many times?
How many times will it be this way?
Will I be getting answers?
Answer me, can you here me? HEY!
I said I don't want to be left in the dark,
I'm blind enough as it is, I got lost on my way to following your heart.
My arms are out there, feeling around for walls,
Hoping I don't run into them, can I avoid this possible fall?
And then the collision happens,
I land hard on my face.
I'm all covered in bruises,
But I'm knee-deep in faith.
And I know I won't be in left in the dark,
I can see the new light, I can feel the beat at the end of my heart.
My arms are out there, feeling around for more,
Suddenly I feel his hands reaching back, how did I avoid this before?
My boys
I dunno how long this link will be up, but I highly suggest watching it.
If you want to miss all the pre-perfomance stuff, just skip forward about 50 seconds.
These guys blow me away.
The Answers
The theory is pretty complex and I'm not going to post it here for people who don't wish to know. But I really think this is it. It makes unbelievably perfect sense out of EVERYTHING. From the smoke monster to why the Oceanic survivors are covering things up... it even had on it the answers to why Michael was trying to kill himself and couldn't... and this was BEFORE the episode aired. Like wayyy before.
So I'm beginning to think the creator of this site had an in on the show. Mom's idea is that they were a writer and during the writer's strike, they were let go and they got ticked off and decided to leak everything out. I mean at this point, there's just no freakin way this person is not right. I don't even see it as a possiblity. And I don't see the people behind Lost changing anything now because it's just too late and it would be impossible to make sense out of it with any other explaination.
The site is not at all well known and I don't plan on sharing it with many people. I told Shane about it (not telling him what was actually on it, but just what I'm writing here basically) and he wonders why I still even bother watching the show. And honestly, for whatever reason... I'm just as into it as I was before. Maybe it's like with Moulin Rouge. You're told from the very beginning that Satine will die. But in the end, when she does... you're still blown away by it all.
I think whether this person's "theory" is right or not, Lost will still blow me away.
The Man on the Boat
The man on the boat... is a Lostie that's already existing on the island.
If there can be 2 planes, 2 black rocks, why not 2 Losties?
At this point, that would be the only thing that would truly blow me away. The obvious choice is Michael with maybe Eye Patch Man close behind. And one of other guesses was even Boone.
But part of me would expect any one of those.
As for there being 2 Losties... it's completely and totally insane. And even though I just thought this up, I'd be seriously shocked if that's what happened.
Work, Lost, and Skittles
I feel soooo antsy. This always happens on the Wednesdays that I work. I don't know what it is about Wednesdays but about 2 hours before work, I get to where I'm just dying to go in. I want to work nowwwwwwwww! And Wednesdays usually aren't even good. They tend to get hectic and tiring but for some reason I just really want to be at work.
Since I'm not, I'm writing to let out some of the antsy-ness. Sooo the other day I got my first hug from a patient. There are a lot of patients we're close to, usually the ones that come in a lot cuz the whole family comes together. So when you've got 3 or 4 people who all have different appointments but come in together... well you see them all the time. "Family Dentistry" is what our company's main thing is. Which is really nice. But there's this one family with a husband who just picks on all of us... but I get it the worse. I mean it's not serious, it's just him joking around. But he can really drive me nuts sometimes. Especially because when he starts picking on me, Doctor joins in and they gang up on me. It's irritating. I fight back with my usual threats of "hey I have dental weaponry over here" but it still doesn't stop. So I told this patient the other day that he just picks on me way too much and he continued to tease me to make it worse on purpose. But as he left he stopped me and gave me a hug. I think he felt bad for all the teasing. Though I'm 90 percent sure it will be back to normal next time.
Ok and on to Lost. This season... totally crushin on crazy Desmond. I mean I still feel the strongest for Jack but Desmond is just so awesome. And man, give that dude an Emmy for that last episode. He totally rocked it. And I loved the I love yous with Penny.
Also, Chancy and I are thinking of doing a Lost parody. We both agreed that he'd make an awesome Ben so I think that role is taken. But if there's anyone out there interested in other parts, or you have any other ideas to offer... Lemme know! Also, if you have any suggestions as to who I should be... lemme know that as well. So far the vote is Alex but I'd be up for anything. I don't think we'll convince Shane to do this thing but if he did, he'd make an awesome Jack... in which case I'd claim the part of Kate.
Ok and lastly... I love Skittles. I forgot I did. I have a small bag like once a year cuz they're bad for my teeth. But man, I love these things.
OH! Also, I highly recommend the show Sports Night. It's a few years old and was only on for 2 seasons, but if you haven't seen this show, then you don't know good television.
"Go home."
I went to work with a cough that would not go away but I was feeling fine. Til 1:00 hit and suddenly I could barely stand. I went home and have been fighting this monster of a flu ever since. I've been to work a total of one day since then. I've had two half days where I went in but they sent me home because of the coughing. Just about everybody else at the office is sick and they don't want me spreading it around or getting worse. So today I went in, all ready for my 12 hour day... and they sent me home again. I guess what's been happening is people are feeling better and coming in and then getting sick all over again. So Shawn wants me just staying home til it's gone away completely. I was all set to go in on Saturday too until I got online Friday night to talk to my coworker and she told me Shawn already arranged it so I didn't have to come in! They just don't want me there! I feel so useless.
At least right now it's just coughing and dizzy spells. For a few days there, it was bad. I almost ended up in the ER and probably should have gone. But with my 103 fever, I stayed home and fought it. Mostly because I was delirious when mom was asking me if I wanted to go. At that point, I didn't even know where I was or what was happening. It was scary go nuts. It was also insanely BORING being so sick. One I couldn't get up or do anything and two... I had this aweful migraine where any bit of light was bothering my head. I couldn't have the tv on or anything... even the little green dot from the DVD player was driving me NUTS. So there I sat for hours in the darkness doing nothing. Then I got bed sores all over my body and I still ache everywhere. Plus I had NO appetite for like 4 days so I lost a ton of weight. The other day, Shane put his hand on my knee and was like "whoa... that's a skinnier knee." I mean there is that much of a difference!
This has been horribly sucky and I can't wait for it to go away and to be able to go back to work like a normal person. Everyone there is sick and my family is all sick. My cousin just had a new baby girl (Welcome to the world, Abigail!) and no one can see her cuz we're all sick! This blows!
Also, Jon Foreman... not into pregnant women.
It's so hard to say goodbye.
But the Auto Show was good, I enjoyed my b-day with the fiance. We both loooooooved the Saab concept car this year. I still think the Lexus LF-A from last year was the best but the Saab was nifty too. I'll have to put pictures up later. I got some really nice ones. Since I've been experimenting with photography lately I ended up taking some pretty nice shots... had some good angles and close-ups on details. I'm happy with the pictures.
In other news, Shane got me a gift I had been wanting for a looooong time. And it's about 20 thousand times cooler than I thought it would be. He got me the marauder's map from the Harry Potter books/movies. It's wicked sweet. So much detail! I never knew I could love a map so much! Shane ownz me.
Also... soon ... Brian's coming to town! YAY. Happy birf day to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Lost (a new theory)
My mom's theory...
It all leads back to the pile of bones and things Locke fell into in season 3. The dead bodies belonging to Dharma. Bones = archeologist. Bones from dead bodies = The medium. The crazy insane island this is all going down on = physicist (perhaps investigating alternate planes of existence). Army chick = simply has the training to get those people there. ... So... do they know Ben led the mission that killed off the Dharma people? Do they want him for answers? Are they trying to get rid of our original Losties because they're in the way of a top secret investigation? Or do they want Ben because they were once a part of Dharma and want vengeance for their people? And what's up with this crazy pilot? No normal man would instantly notice a wedding ring missing off of another pilot's hand... has this dude been trained to notice things most people wouldn't?
What's going on here?!!!!!! And if you've been keeping up with the Find story... what's so important about the Christiane I and the people on it? What is Talbot's deal?!!
And speaking of boats! Was Penny's message to Charlie a fake? Why send a fake message warning them it's not her boat? So they won't get off the island!
And why are all these boats showing up at once? If the Christiane I isn't the same place Naomi and friends came from then obviously there is more than one boat!
AAAAAAAAAAAA! So many questions! Must keep notes.
Romney's gone and the snow is not
Work was really easy and Kristen needed help with an essay for school. So who did she ask to help her? Me of course. I'm famous around the office for being a good writer and anytime anyone needs something done that requires good writing, they come to me. I love it. And I loved helping with this essay on religion. It was so fulfulling somehow. I'm still high off of it. It will be interesting to see how she does, what Lewis University thinks of what we came up with. Though I do not write well on blogs. I know this. Everything is wrong all the time because I'm just writing what I'm thinking without... thinking. O.o
Everyone's been so on edge since the Lane Bryant shooting spree last week. It's so weird to drive by there on my way to work all the time and see police or investigators in the parking lot... and to know that right there 5 women were murdered. It's sad and it's scary. The shooter hasn't been found and I have family and friends who live in the subdivisions the police were searching, not to mention we work right down the street. I hope the guy gets caught and can kill no more.
Untitled (for the moment)
What we have here is simple coordination, a rhythm designed by a beat.
And we keep the time with our feet as we walk on unstable ground.
This is the collision of tension and grace, of chaos and sound.
With the planet spinning in an unnoticeable and steady motion,
We sleep-walk through it unaware of the reason behind the commotion.
And as gravity works its magic and our bodies cling to the surface,
She understands why he hates this, and why it makes him nervous.
There’s something uneasy about traveling without any answers,
Without anything real to hold on to, we might as well be dying of cancer.
In the distance they hear a calling and they crave a way to react,
But what is it that stops them? And why is it holding them back?
Copyright ©2008 Chrissy Santillan
Scattered posts and cloudy text
But now... LET IT BE OVER ALREADY! I don't know what it is, but I feel like this winter season is never going to end. I want my warm weather. I don't even care at this point if it means running away from bugs. I just want warm weather... even just to be able to see the sun more than twice a month. And now I'm hearing we're supposed to be hit with a blizzard on Friday.
AAAAAAAAAA! Go away snow! just go away! Shoo!
So. In other news.
I've been become famous around the office for being obsessed with someday going to Fiji. I dunno why, I just suddenly decided like a year ago that more than anything, I wanted to go to Fiji. Well that has changed. The new of love of my life (Next to Shane) is Dubai. I want to go to Dubai. That's right, I have high standards. Standards so high even Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates would be complaining the hotel rooms are too expensive. But I want to go. I don't know how and I don't know when (maybe in my sleep while I'm dreaming) But I am getting there someday and I am sleeping in that under-water hotel!
And for those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, it's ok. I am used to this.
And in even more other news...
Check out and look in the Our Dental Team section and you'll find a bio about meeeeeeeee. What's also kind of cool is that everyone else's bios were written by me. You think I should get some kind of credit for that?
Ok I'm off to run errands... in this cloudy stupid weather.
"I don't want to keep sleep walking...
Going nowhere, God I want to...
Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!!!!!!!"
You ever just feel like you're sleep-walking through life and you're waiting for God to reach out and pinch you into being awake? I've had that feeling lately. Well honestly, some part of me always constantly has that feeling but it's been even more powerful than usual. Everything is such a cloudy blurry animated mess. I think it's feeling very strong emotion that creates this affect. It's like you just can't handle it so the brain goes into this mode where you hardly realize what's going on, and you don't really care that you don't.
So here I am, awaiting my pinch. Or even just a poke will do. I could really use one. Actually, hugs are nice too.
You can visit my myspace to hear my anthem of the moment.
Well before I start about Cloverfield, I'd like to say a big huge fat CONGRATS to Andy and Christina Clark! 2 awesome friends who just got married over the past weekend and could not be more perfect for each other. Their love inspires me. Seeing them together is like watching Moulin Rouge... which I enjoy every minute of. I can't wait to see photos from the big day... Andy looked so smooth and handsome and Christina was absolutely unbelievably gorgeous.
Their wedding day was fun. First of course there was the ceremony... there I sat with 5 people... Shane, Jim, Dan, Nick, and Andrew. Then it was over and we had FOUR hours until the reception. So with the same 5 people, I went to Steak and Shake... then someone found a theatre playing Cloverfield nearby so with the SAME 5 people I went to see the movie. When that was over, with the same 5 people I went to the wedding... I was attached at the hips with these SAME 5 people ALL NIGHT LONG!
Not that I didn't enjoy everyone's company. I didn't know them that well but they were all uber nice... but I just think it's funny that all day we were together traveling in a pack everywhere we went.
But okay back on track here... the point is, we saw Cloverfield.
It was probably the best movie I'd seen in theatres since the last Lord of the Rings film. It blew my mind, it rocked my world, it made me dizzy. (if you couldn't handle the wobbly cameras in the Bourne movies, do not bother seeing Cloverfield) But despite the dizzyness... it was so awesome.
Though I think one of the reasons I was so impressed was because of the fact I had zero interest in this movie. It looked stupid in the commercials and then when I found out there was a huge monster in the movie... I was even more sure it was going to be the most lamest thing ever in the history of all time.
... Okay well I just had a whole big thing written out about why this movie was so awesome and somehow it got deleted and then Blogger saved the deleted version of my post. Way to go Blogger. You suck.
Well just know the movie is amazing. I've lost all inspiration to explain why... my thoughts have been taken over by aggrivation. Maybe I'll make another post later.
*folds arms, pouts, and walks away, giving Blogger the silent treatment*
So that pic was from a different night, but it's still awesome.
If you haven't seen hockey live, you haven't lived!
Work, friendship, and cranky people
In other news... new friendship is just plain sweet. Lately I've been growing closer to my work friend Kristen. We spent like 3 hours at Taco Bell on saturday just talking about work and everything else under the sun. It was good times. I've also been growing closer to a friend Brian who lives in California. I first met him through Shane about a year ago and we didn't talk much. Now we talk a ton and it's so much fun. He's so awesome! I love new friends!!!!!!!!
But I do not like cranky patients. I had to work on a man today who was incredibly mean. It put me in a really bad mood. Today I was training a new assistant at work and it was not easy trying to explain things with this guy picking on me constantly and trying to make a complete fool of me. Every time Doctor left the room, this dude became evil and just plain cruel. The other assistant agreed... he was horrible. I just hope I never have to deal with him again. I don't understand people like that.
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