"I don't want to keep sleep walking...

Monday, January 28, 2008
Through endless days I've had enough of...
Going nowhere, God I want to...
Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!!!!!!!"

You ever just feel like you're sleep-walking through life and you're waiting for God to reach out and pinch you into being awake? I've had that feeling lately. Well honestly, some part of me always constantly has that feeling but it's been even more powerful than usual. Everything is such a cloudy blurry animated mess. I think it's feeling very strong emotion that creates this affect. It's like you just can't handle it so the brain goes into this mode where you hardly realize what's going on, and you don't really care that you don't.

So here I am, awaiting my pinch. Or even just a poke will do. I could really use one. Actually, hugs are nice too.

You can visit my myspace to hear my anthem of the moment.
