
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Welp, I am home from New York and the Bahamas!

What a crazy trip it was. I will be posting photos from our day in NY as well as pics from the cruise. I also took a lot of video footage this time that I will try to get on youtube at some point.

Mom, Shane, and I were only in NY for a day (we spent the night in a hotel before our Bahama cruise) but we saw A LOT. From Battery Park we saw the Statue of Liberty, we went up the Empire State Building, we visited the World Trade Center site... which actually brought me to tears, and we spent time in Time Square... which is A.D.D. central. I've never been so distracted in all my life. And I've also learned that you don't know real fear until you've put your life in the hands of a New York City taxi cab driver. They are INSANE.

As for the cruise... not as warm and wonderful as we were hoping but it had its moments. I guess the ship's stabilizer broke at some point which made the entire experience extra choppy in addition to the fact that the ocean itself was producing huge waves. I think everyone got sea sick or at the very least nauseous at some point. It got SO bad that ALL of the water in the on board swimming pool splashed out. It was a big empty square pit. It was ridiculous. And I wish I could explain how it felt to be in the midst of it all. Despite not feeling well for a while, it was actually pretty cool. When the ship would go up and down you'd have these moments where your body would feel zero g's... like you were completely weightless... and the next second you felt like someone was pushing you into the ground.

And now, here I am at home... on stable land... and all I want to do is get back on a ship. My body is not used to this, my head swears that I should still be moving up and down and up and down. I'm actually sitting in a rocking chair as I type this because if I stop rocking, I immediately feel dizzy. What is the opposite of sea sickness? I dunno. But I hope this goes away.

Anyhoo, it didn't go exactly as planned but I had some good experiences that I'm happy to have had. I tasted aligator, road in an airboat on the longest river in Florida, met all kinds of people from all kinds of countries, learned that Root Berry http://www.rootberry.net/Rootberry.Net/Home.html is awesome, and I enjoyed constantly being in the presence of Shane... which is probably a good thing since I will be his wife in less than a year.

There is more to write I am sure, but for now I must get back to the book I am reading. Doctor lent it to me a while back and I am addicted to it now. It's called Shantaram and I highly recommend it.