Work, Lost, and Skittles

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I feel soooo antsy. This always happens on the Wednesdays that I work. I don't know what it is about Wednesdays but about 2 hours before work, I get to where I'm just dying to go in. I want to work nowwwwwwwww! And Wednesdays usually aren't even good. They tend to get hectic and tiring but for some reason I just really want to be at work.

Since I'm not, I'm writing to let out some of the antsy-ness. Sooo the other day I got my first hug from a patient. There are a lot of patients we're close to, usually the ones that come in a lot cuz the whole family comes together. So when you've got 3 or 4 people who all have different appointments but come in together... well you see them all the time. "Family Dentistry" is what our company's main thing is. Which is really nice. But there's this one family with a husband who just picks on all of us... but I get it the worse. I mean it's not serious, it's just him joking around. But he can really drive me nuts sometimes. Especially because when he starts picking on me, Doctor joins in and they gang up on me. It's irritating. I fight back with my usual threats of "hey I have dental weaponry over here" but it still doesn't stop. So I told this patient the other day that he just picks on me way too much and he continued to tease me to make it worse on purpose. But as he left he stopped me and gave me a hug. I think he felt bad for all the teasing. Though I'm 90 percent sure it will be back to normal next time.

Ok and on to Lost. This season... totally crushin on crazy Desmond. I mean I still feel the strongest for Jack but Desmond is just so awesome. And man, give that dude an Emmy for that last episode. He totally rocked it. And I loved the I love yous with Penny.

Also, Chancy and I are thinking of doing a Lost parody. We both agreed that he'd make an awesome Ben so I think that role is taken. But if there's anyone out there interested in other parts, or you have any other ideas to offer... Lemme know! Also, if you have any suggestions as to who I should be... lemme know that as well. So far the vote is Alex but I'd be up for anything. I don't think we'll convince Shane to do this thing but if he did, he'd make an awesome Jack... in which case I'd claim the part of Kate.

Ok and lastly... I love Skittles. I forgot I did. I have a small bag like once a year cuz they're bad for my teeth. But man, I love these things.

OH! Also, I highly recommend the show Sports Night. It's a few years old and was only on for 2 seasons, but if you haven't seen this show, then you don't know good television.