The Answers

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Sooo I think I came across pretty much all of the answers to Lost. I was shown a website recently that has a Lost "theory" on it. But it became pretty clear as I was reading it, that this had to be more than theory. I mean every single mystery was addressed and answered and everything made complete and total sense. And as I watched tonight's episode with mom (who also read the info on the site), it became even more apparent that this person was right. It was like they basically predicted what was going to happen.

The theory is pretty complex and I'm not going to post it here for people who don't wish to know. But I really think this is it. It makes unbelievably perfect sense out of EVERYTHING. From the smoke monster to why the Oceanic survivors are covering things up... it even had on it the answers to why Michael was trying to kill himself and couldn't... and this was BEFORE the episode aired. Like wayyy before.

So I'm beginning to think the creator of this site had an in on the show. Mom's idea is that they were a writer and during the writer's strike, they were let go and they got ticked off and decided to leak everything out. I mean at this point, there's just no freakin way this person is not right. I don't even see it as a possiblity. And I don't see the people behind Lost changing anything now because it's just too late and it would be impossible to make sense out of it with any other explaination.

The site is not at all well known and I don't plan on sharing it with many people. I told Shane about it (not telling him what was actually on it, but just what I'm writing here basically) and he wonders why I still even bother watching the show. And honestly, for whatever reason... I'm just as into it as I was before. Maybe it's like with Moulin Rouge. You're told from the very beginning that Satine will die. But in the end, when she does... you're still blown away by it all.

I think whether this person's "theory" is right or not, Lost will still blow me away.