Romney's gone and the snow is not

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Today was pretty awesome despite it being Shane-less and me having a headache ALL DAY long... until 5 minutes ago.

Work was really easy and Kristen needed help with an essay for school. So who did she ask to help her? Me of course. I'm famous around the office for being a good writer and anytime anyone needs something done that requires good writing, they come to me. I love it. And I loved helping with this essay on religion. It was so fulfulling somehow. I'm still high off of it. It will be interesting to see how she does, what Lewis University thinks of what we came up with. Though I do not write well on blogs. I know this. Everything is wrong all the time because I'm just writing what I'm thinking without... thinking. O.o


Everyone's been so on edge since the Lane Bryant shooting spree last week. It's so weird to drive by there on my way to work all the time and see police or investigators in the parking lot... and to know that right there 5 women were murdered. It's sad and it's scary. The shooter hasn't been found and I have family and friends who live in the subdivisions the police were searching, not to mention we work right down the street. I hope the guy gets caught and can kill no more.