Nevermind the whole job thing

Monday, December 20, 2010
So a couple of days into my job, I started noticing that my boss (the dentist) was being really mean. As time went on, it got worse and worse. He snapped at me for things that weren't my fault, threw temper tantrums, swore, and generally acted unprofessional. He was becoming completely miserable to work with. And the worst was when he would make me look like a fool in front of patients. I felt like he was a bully and there were even a few times I had to take a bathroom break just to cry and keep myself from exploding while working the front desk.

I thought maybe it was just a phase, but one of the assistants saw him yelling at me in front of a patient once, something like "this is f-cking ridiculous that you couldn't fill the two spots. Call everyone in the books and get someone in here. that is your job, not mine." and when I told him I called literally everyone in the book, he started pulling charts and throwing them at me across the desk saying "did you look for these extra phone numbers in their charts? you have to think of these things, i shouldnt have to tell you. This is really stupid" and THEN when i told him I called every number i could find... he just continued to yell and swear and stomp away all mad. Anyway, after he left, the assistant said he was a huge jerk and always has been.

Later he yelled at me again and another assistant saw and said she hopes i don't mind being belittled all the time because that's how he is. She also called him an ass and then walked away.

A couple days later one of the assistants was so scared of him, she was hiding from him.

It didn't matter what we did or how good we were at our job... if there was any amount of time where he wasn't working on a patient, he got upset and started bullying people around.

It was terrible and I didn't want to go to that place anymore. And I have a feeling the assistant that was hiding isn't going to be going there much longer either.

Anyway, I talked to his wife (who had been training me and who was amazing person) and she was not at all surprised that I wasn't enjoying working there and that I didn't want to continue to work there if his behavior continued. Then I called him into the back room and told him I couldn't handle being around him all day because he was making me miserable and was being too harsh. He said that that's just how he is and he doesn't need to play nice.

So the wife and I decided i would work there for a while and she would try to talk to him but she didnt think his temper would change... which was one of the reasons she didn't want to work there either. She said he was so miserable to work with, he was ruining her Christmas. I felt so bad for her.

Anyway we decided that we weren't going to call it "quitting" , and that i would work there for a while and see if he improved and they would start looking for someone else to take over my job in case things didnt work out, but she started sending me home right away, saying he was in a terrible mood and to just not worry about it.

Sooo things ended quickly and strangely and confusingly. But the bottom line is that i don't work there anymore. Which sucks cuz the hours were great and cindy was great but it's also awesome because now i dont have to go to a place that makes me cry and feel really small.

insert interesting title here

Sunday, December 5, 2010
It's been a while since I updated!

Sunday School has been crazy this year. We have a bunch of kids and they're all nuts. I miss my good kids from last year! We've been working with them for a few minutes every sunday because my class (kindergarten) is teaming up with them to sing at the Advent service. The first graders behave like perfect angels and my class is all loud and all over the place. I thought maybe they were just shy being mixed in with my class but I snuck into their room today to leave some copies of the songs for them to take home and they were all sitting quietly listening to their teacher and behaving perfectly. *sniff* i want that peace and quiet back!

I do enjoy that these kids are really into hugs though. I get a lot of them!

In other news, I went to the Advent Tea at the church. Which is an event the church throws every couple of years. (i hear it's expensive which is why it doesn't happen often) What it is... a bunch of ladies volunteer to host a table and then invite guests to fill it. Patti (who hosts the Bible study i go to) hosted a table and invited me, another woman from the study, and some other nice gals. Also, men from the church volunteer to serve us. How nice is that?! They were dressed up really fancily (is that a word?) with pretty bow-ties. And they worked their butts off running all over the place, helping to prepare our food and get us our drinks and whatnot. It was nice.

Another cool thing is that every hostess goes all out to design their tables with a theme. They were SO gorgeous, i felt like i was at a really rich person's wedding. Our table's theme was Penguins! We had fancy silverware and plates and Patti even put little presents at each of our settings. (in really awesome boxes that she made herself)

There was also music, we got to be entertained by a violin and some beautiful singing the whole time. And we got to join in for a song when we all sang Silent Night in German!

And we were served a traditional German meal. .... Germans sure know how to make desserts!

In more other news, I have a job! I start tomorrow.

I went for the interview a few days ago and ended up being there for like 2 hours, mostly listening while this guy gave me his life story. I told everyone at my table at the Advent Tea about that and they all went "the job is yours!" and i was like "what?" and they said if he told me that much about himself and felt like he could talk to me for hours then the job was mine. I guess they were right!

He's really nice. It was hard to get a word in but he seems kind, i get the vibe that he has a huge heart.

It's a small office. It would be him, i think he said two assistants, and me. I was worried it would get a little lonely at first, me being up there at the front alone, but then it occured to me that women are catty and dramatic and i didnt enjoy working with too many of them in my previous offices. So i'll take a little loneliness over drama any day!

So I'm nervous and excited but i've prayed about this a lot, and I know God's going to take care of me. It's comforting knowing He's always got my back.