
Sunday, September 28, 2008
So a lot of people know how into dance I am, pretty much any style entertains me.

Well, I was watching tv earlier, about to fall asleep when I saw this breath-taking performance. The idea is that the husband is a business man, in love with his job, and has to be there to make ends meet anyway, but his wife never sees him, their marriage is falling apart, she needs him desperately.

Hate the song like everyone does... but just watch the dancing. It's so beautiful.


Friday, September 26, 2008

I just found out that one of my all time favorite books (that no one has seemed to have heard about) is being made into a movie.

This is awesome amazing news to me. Of course nothing will be as good as the book was but I have high hopes for this. The main character will be played by Johnny Depp who I think is absolutely insanely PERFECT for the role. Not to mention he actually personally co-owns the rights to the movie.

What also keeps me hopeful that the film will be good is that the author of the book is writing the script for it.

And the best part about this movie... I've only met one other person who's read this book. This movie will give it a lot more recognition and it sure as heck deserves it.

It is the only book that has ever gotten to me so emotionally. It made me laugh, it made me smile, it made me incredibly angry, and it made me SOB. Not just cry, I SOBBED. If a book affects a person like that, it is worth reading. The only other person I know who read it is a guy... and it made him sob too. So it's not just me being an emotional woman... it's a very touching masterpiece.

Read Shantaram!

In the words of DC Talk... I'm sick and tired! Sick and tired!

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tiiiiirrrrreeeeed of being scared to go to sleep at night. Why must all my fears and thoughts come to me at night? They're there during the day too but at least then I have distractions... when you're just laying there in a bed at night, there aren't exactly any distractions.

I'm just scared, I'm so incredibly scared. When does the nightmare end? Is it supposed to?

*pulls hair*

I am way too emotional. Sometimes I wish I could feel nothing.


Monday, September 22, 2008
Every man on earth should dress like this guy does. (dancing like him would be nice too)

(ignore the slutty girl)


Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So I realized the other day while watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Shane that I do indeed enjoy Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter in movies together.

So of course it inspired a music video...

(The video was fine until I uploaded it, then it became really blurry. So I'll be working on a way of having a better finished product. :p)


Sunday, September 14, 2008
It has occurred to me recently that in a few Tim Burton films there is the option a guy has between a lighthearted happy woman and a dark creepy woman... and he always chooses or ends up with the lighthearted woman.

This makes me sad because I usually like the dark and creepy girl. And if you ask me, Helena Bonham Carter can be pretty darn dark and creepy... so why is Timmy all about the opposite woman in his films?

What's up with that? Let the weird girl get the guy for once!

What dreams may come

Saturday, September 13, 2008
So I'm seriously beginning to wonder what sleep was like. I'm forgetting. I remember it used to feel nice and would give me energy. It was lovely times.

For the past 2 weeks I have not known that feeling much... except for short uncomfortable naps here and there.

I've always had a sleep disorder of some kind, a bit of an insomniac. But it's never been this bad. At night I feel so incredibly exhausted but I just can't get my mind to shut down. It keeps thinking about stupid random things... paintings, episodes of Friends, vaccuum cleaners, food, animals... just entirely random things... and I cannot for the life of me get it to stop.

This cannot be healthy. And will definitely NOT be good if I get a new job any time soon.



Thursday, September 11, 2008
On every Sept. 11th since 2001 I have played this song in memory of what happened on that aweful day. I ask whoever reads my blog to do the same, to close your eyes, to listen, and to remember the tragedy that struck our country and took thousands of lives seven years ago.

Hands - Jewel

Kirk Fox

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
This dude officially beats Dimitri Martin as my second favorite comedian.

Commercial of the week

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cuz it makes me want to dance. And Chris Brown is cool even though he's so young. But mostly it makes me want to dance. Also Doublemint gum is nifty.