New video

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I worked very hard on this video and tried to put it on youtube but the record labels have this thing there now where anyone using their music... their videos get muted upon upload. Stupid youtube. Sooo I put it here instead. Quality isn't perfect but neither was my horrible software, I did the best I could with what I had and this is the result...


  1. Where did you get the clip with Locke and everyone dancing in the wreckage? I think I recognized all the rest, but I don't remember that at all.

  1. Wow, I really enjoyed that, good job Chrissy!

  1. Whoa, a compliment from Nick Kamm?! *faints* Thank you! Glad you liked that.

    ... Chancy, that footage is from a UK commercial for the show. The commercial is about a minute and a half to 2 mins I think. You can find it on YouTube, it's kind of freaky. Evangeline/Kate is really good at being weird!