Work, friendship, and cranky people

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
So work was awesome on Monday night. It had been cloudy and dark all day long... I could smell the rain before it hit, it was obvious a storm was brewing. And when it did... all fun broke loose. We usually get done with work at about 8 or 8:30 but at around 6 O'clock, all the power went out due to the crazy storm outside. Thankfully, there were only two patients left... one was just getting a cleaning and the other was having a consultation... which Doctor did in the dark. The patients ended up leaving at about 6:30 or so and the rest of us stayed behind in case Doctor needed anything. He was freaking out and calling a ton of people about first getting oxygen to his fish tank... and second making sure that all of our equipment wasn't going to turn on in the middle of the night and be running all day... as well as causing problems with our security system. It became clear after a while that he didn't need any of us there, but we all stayed for an extra hour anyway, just talking and having fun. When all the lights go out and you're with people you enjoy spending time with... it's just wicked coolness. I hope the lights go out more often.

In other news... new friendship is just plain sweet. Lately I've been growing closer to my work friend Kristen. We spent like 3 hours at Taco Bell on saturday just talking about work and everything else under the sun. It was good times. I've also been growing closer to a friend Brian who lives in California. I first met him through Shane about a year ago and we didn't talk much. Now we talk a ton and it's so much fun. He's so awesome! I love new friends!!!!!!!!

But I do not like cranky patients. I had to work on a man today who was incredibly mean. It put me in a really bad mood. Today I was training a new assistant at work and it was not easy trying to explain things with this guy picking on me constantly and trying to make a complete fool of me. Every time Doctor left the room, this dude became evil and just plain cruel. The other assistant agreed... he was horrible. I just hope I never have to deal with him again. I don't understand people like that.