Soooo as anyone who reads this knows, I am now a married woman! Shane and I said our I dos on April 18th at 3:30 pm! Everything was perfect. I had so much fun, especially dancing my face off at the reception, and I felt like Cinderella in my beautiful dress.
Then we left for our honeymoon, at 5:50 am on Sunday the 19th. Mexico was beautiful and I have pictures of the resort and the ruins that I want to get up on the webs at some point. Shane and I were very happy with my pick for the resort. The Grand Palladium was stunning and let me tell you there is a reason it's a 5 star resort! First of all, it's absolutely MASSIVE. We needed a map to find our way anywhere and even then sometimes we had some trouble. Shane always got us where we needed to go though. There were also mini shuttle like things you could catch to get from one part of the resort to the next. (it was divided into 4 parts with 4 main lobbies... we were in the kentenah part, there was also the Colonial, White Sands, and Riviera) So you could catch a ride to any of those lobbies or back to your villa. We were upgraded upon arrival to a villa on the beach. Our window didn't actually face the Caribbean but we were right on the beach which was really cool.
Another reason I think it was a good resort is the fact that it's in a jungle... which means lots of bugs. And Chrissy no like bugs. I was freaking out the first night cuz I saw a bunch of bugs in our villa. But Shane called reception and asked if they could come spray. I dunno what the heck they used but there was not a single bug in our room after that one-time spray. Good job people!
Anyway, there were different shops and different theatres and things in different parts of the resort which is why we needed rides to get to other spots sometimes. Though walking was nice sometimes too.
The food and drinks were really good as well. I would have tangerine juice for breakfast every morning which was delicioussssssssss. Their apple juice is also amazing too, much better than stuff we have here. Also of course real Mexican food in Mexico was YUM.
Another cool thing about Mexico... lizards! Lizards everywhere! No squirrels or rabbits, just lizards! They were so cool and they were everywhere. Just crossing a path or running around by the trees. They were very scared little creatures though, it was incredibly hard to sneak up on them. But I had a goal... I want to touch one! I tried and tried and tried until finally Shane pointed out that one had lodged itself under a sidewalk in a little divot. I slowly leaned over from the top of the sidewalk and quickly poked its tail! (didn't want to get bit) It felt so weird and so fun. I was so happy I acheived my goal. There were also really cool looking geckos that we started seeing on the second half of the week. They would run on their hind legs reeeeeeeeally fast and end up looking like crazy cartoon characters. Very cool.
I read on (which is the best place to research hotels ever) in a review that someone wrote they talked about how they had a gecko in their room and how it became their little pet and they named it and everything. I was very jealous. I desperately wanted a pet gecko too.
Then one day Shane opened the door for a reason I forget, and a BABY gecko came scurrying in on the ceiling! A BABY! It was no more than an inch and a half long. It was soooooooooooo cute. I took pictures of him. We wanted to get him out though because well he was tiny and easily killable if stepped on, and the room isn't exactly made for baby geckos... so Shane got on a chair with a cup to try and get him but the gecko ended up falling on Shane's back. Shane stepped outside and I barely touched the gecko before it jumped off Shane's back and on to our porch. I was so excited though to have our pet gecko if only for a short moment. I named him Roger.
Later that day Shane and I went to dinner or a show or something and when we came back I said it would be cool if Roger had waited for us on the porch. We looked around and didn't see him. Shane eventually sat down on a chair next to where one of our towels was drying and picked up the towel. Who was hiding under it? Roger! Cute cute cute precious adorable awesome little Roger! I watched him for a little bit before we went inside. (he was very frightened and I didn't want to scare him by trying to touch him anymore)
I don't think we saw him much after that but Roger was fun and awesome and I will miss him dearly. *sniff*
Let's see, what else....
The first night we were there we saw a show. Before the actual show started though someone named D.J. Carlos came on the stage to do a little mini-game show type of thing. Guess who the first couple called on stage was? That's right, the Conklins. There were 4 other couples from 4 other countries. We were obviously the US team. Anyway, the point was for the women to wrap the men up in toilet paper to look like mummies... which I failed at because it was hot and I was getting soooo dizzy and sick running circles around Shane and he got dizzy trying to run in place for me. Anyway after the mummy wrapping, they threw a bunch of Mexican clothes on stage... bigs skirts, crazy pants, hats... whatever. We had to take stuff from the pile and dress the men up over their mummy gear. It was completely ridiculous and Shane looked nuts. But not nutty enough. We came in last place (i was too dizzy and hot to care) and won a bottle of Tequila. Which ended up being what everyone else won anyway. It was nuts and I probably wouldn't do it again, but it makes for a fun story.
Anyway the main show we went to see was called Prehispanic. Which was a Mayan show. I thought it was so beautiful. The woman were stunning and so exotic and their movements were just hypnotic when they danced. I wish I could move like those women. The men were also very cool and something about their dancing was hypnotic too. I think the costumes and body paint was part of what made everything so cool. The only thing I could have done without was when the women all came out in this weird cape that like hung in the front instead of the back.... leaving their backs exposed... and they had thongs on. So there were a lot of butts just running around the stage for a few minutes.
What was funny though was that after they got back into some better costumes... they picked 5 men from the audience to come on stage. Of course Shane was picked again. They put this white robe thing on him and then we're pretty sure they got married. lol. From then on, we kept joking that Shane got married twice in one week.
We also joked when we went to see the ruins in Chichen Itza that he was going to see the churches of his mayan wife's ancestor's or something, going to his in-law's.
The ruins were cool and we saw this huge cool pyramid. I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be though. Shane was, but for some reason I was expecting more. It was still cool and impressive just not as much as I thought it would be. Maybe the heat just made me not care as much. It was reeeeeally hot in Chichen Itza.
Anyway eventually we had to come home. Unfortunately what was supposed to be a 3 hour flight turned into about a 10 hour flight. There were a bunch of bad storms hitting the Chicago area and we couldn't get clearance to land. The captain said we were circling around Peoria for a while waiting for clearance but we never really got it and were getting low on fuel. We ended up going to Minneapolis to get fuel and we sat there for a few hours just waiting for an ok from O'Hare. What was really bogus was that no one was allowed off the plane because we had to clear custums in Chicago. What was the most bogus was that there were some people on the plane who were actually taking a connecting flight from Chicago to Minneapolis. There they were, sitting on a plane in the airport that they were supposed to end up at but couldn't get out because of the custums rule. So they had to fly to Chicago just to fly back to Minneapolis!
And most bogus of all... they fed us nothing! No food for 10 hours! LAME. I believe if it had been United, they would have fed us. American Airlines were lame and I don't like them. Shane says it wasn't their fault if they didn't have enough food on board. But I believe they did or they could have gotten something at Minneapolis. United would have! I just know they would! They have in the past for me. They always take care of people.
Buuuuut anyway. We are home now and married life is nice. There are still a billion more things I could talk about but I am tired from all this writing. I shall upload pictures soon!
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