I've been neglecting this blog! Facebook has ruined blogging.
In other news, I sent my resume into a salon the other day. They're looking to train a stylist's assistant... which would rock my socks off. For the past few years I've been desperately wanting to take Cosmotology classes but I could buy a brand new Honda Fit for the price of tuition! It's just too much. So this job would be perfect! I love hair! I love styling my hair and get so many compliments on it when I do. Styling hair for a living would be awesome but being a stylist's assistant would be great too. I really hope I get called in for this.
Though I dreamt last night that I was called in for a working interview and when I got there it was a funeral home and they styled dead people's hair. O.o ... it was not an uplifting dream.
In other news, I've been asked to babysit a bunch of one to three year olds at the church every wednesday morning during a mom's bible study. I said yes. I hope it goes well! I won't start until April 20th but I am looking forward to it. I know I'll be nervous but I love being at that church and I love kids. I'm also happy to help the mom who leads the group because she is probably one of the busiest people in the universe... raising a bunch of young kids and all. I have no clue how she always looks so chipper and happy!
Let's see, what else. ... I wish I had a space to do my oil paintings in so I could do a bunch and try to sell them on Etsy or something. I can't do it in any rooms cuz of the cats or lack of space. It would be too hard and too messy to set everything up and take it down all the time. Lame!
I wish it was summer. I hate dealing with bugs more than I can even say but I really miss nice weather. I want to ride to Dairy Queen with Shane on his motorcycle, go for walks with Nicholas and Abby, have cookouts, go to baseball games, and just generally enjoy not being cold. Plus there's no Sunday School during the summer. I will miss the students of course but being free for that hour in the morning means we get to go to the adult bible study instead.... which is filled with a bunch of people that I adore.
It's crazy how much I love our church. I wish I could get a job there of some kind. I would like that even better than the hair thing! I applied once to be a teacher's aide during the regular school hours and even had awesome references but never heard back. I was really bummed about that. Not only would I be at a place I love but I would be doing something I love too.
There's just too many things I love. I need to find a job that allows me to style hair, edit videos, assistant teach, be a travel agent, sell oil paintings... and to do all of this from mission control... which I will have to somehow re-locate to our church.
Well at least I dream big. I just don't get why no one calls me back. I've sent my resume in to so many places. Even to the NWI Times because they are always hiring. I was the editor of my college paper and I was good at it dangit. But I began to stray from journalism because it's such a difficult field to try to be in. Even if you do get on a paper, there's a good chance you'll just be doing obituaries. Bleh!
In other news, if you're reading this and you haven't seen Inception, go see it. After seeing that movie, I felt like I had just watched all of Lost in one sitting. That's how much it hurt my head. But it was still good. I like stuff that makes me think.
Anyhoo, I would like a new hobby. I'm just not sure what. I thought about starting a blog about cars. I think they are awesome but I don't know much about them... which I actually think would be an attractive quality to the blog. I can learn and research as I post. The only problem with this is... Shane would complain that I have too many blogs. Which makes no sense since I only have one now and I rarely post here anymore!
Ok I'm done rambling for now.
Wait, I lied. I joined Twitter! Twitter is fun if you just follow a bunch of comedians and read their tweets. You will literally laugh out loud at least twice a day.
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