Because space is just plain cool.
Also, I'm pretty sure that dude was aimin for Chicago.
Most Memorable Moments/Thingamabobs of 2009
Posted by
Chrissy Conklin
7:36 PM
Monday, January 4, 2010
Not in order of any kind.
*Getting married. Maybe it's a little corny, but it seriously was the best day of my life. I was fine up until a few minutes before the ceremony, then I got very nervous. But when I got to the altar and turned to look my groom in the eye, all nervousness magically faded and I knew everything would be alright... forever.
*Honeymoon in Mexico. We were upgraded to a villa on the beach upon our arrival. It was beautiful. The resort was perfect, the Riviera May was perfect, the whole trip was so wonderfully memorable. Even me getting sea sick gives us a story to tell.
*The stupid dumb lame ridiculous mobile. ... riding in the Yukon everywhere in Washington D.C. This thing was so enourmous on the outside, that it was too big for clearance for parking garages at the museums... yet so insanely tiny on the inside that anyone who sat in that last row surrendered any hope of comfort for their knees.
*Arlington... a lot of uphill walking that did cruel and mean things to my legs. but in the end I look back on it and feel that it was worth it. Seeing Arlington is something a person definitely does not forget.
*Calling 911 for the first time. While driving on the expressway, Shane noticed a car off to the side that looked like it had hit the rail and it's fender was no longer on it. I called and they said someone was already on the way. Sooo not a big deal, but it was my first time calling!
*Moving in to our first apartment. There was some adjusting, but I loved it right away. It's pretty and has floor length mirrors everywhere... which makes the place look bigger than it actually is.
*Bowling my first turkey! I had completely sucked the first 9 frames and was feeling blue. Couldn't get a strike, a spare, anything. Then in the last frame, I went and got a turkey! *gobble gobble*
*Watching someone in our league bowl a perfect game. It was amazing! The whole place was silent and waiting up until Tom's last shot... he threw the ball, and it seemed like slow motion. Then BAM, all pins down! The whole alley errupted in cheers! it was so exciting!
*The bachelorette party. Jennifer, my cousin and matron of honor.... made it PERFECT. I got my first ever manicure and pedicure and fell in loooove. Who knew how awesome that could be? We got drinks and I opened up all my pretty gifts, then we had a crazy wonderful time at Tony and Tina's Wedding, and to top it all off, we all went bowling at Rock N Bowl... which was a place Jennifer and I spent a loooot of time at when we were kids with our moms bowling in a league there. It was so memorable and so awesome going back there. I couldn't have asked for a better party. ... the ride home in the limo was fun too. My other cousin Michelle is funny.
*The wedding shower. I was seriously and totally surprised by it... to the point that I felt so stupid for not catching on sooner. I was told it was my older cousin's anniversary party and not to bring gifts. ... you would think I'd of known from the whole no gift thing that it was my shower, but i had NO idea. I loved it. It was fun, had yummy food, got great presents, and had amazing company!
*Dancing in Brian's parent's basement. There was this video on youtube of a swing dance routine that we were trying to copy. The way the couple finished looked easy and cool, but it was sooo hard. It took us forever to figure out and then to do it right... but when we did, i was so excited! it was an awesome moment. Despite being so exhausting.
*Sitting on the Clarks' cat. I was at Andy and Christina's and went to sit down on a dining room chair at the same time that Valentine was jumping up to sit on it. I kept thinking "what is this pressure I'm feeling and why can't i sit down all the way?!!!" Then Christina exploded with laughter and i realized i had nailed poor Val! I'm sorry kitty!
*Any time spent with Nicholas and Abby. They are cute, sweet, and funny... I just plain love those kids.
*Going to Linkin Park Zoo with Christina and Lauren. Not the best zoo, but wonderful company. We had fun being silly in the gift shop and making fun of the monkeys.
*The Taste of Chicago with Chancy and Bethany. The whole day was fun. At that point I hadn't really had the chance to talk to Bethany much so it was really cool getting to know her more.
*Ren Faire with The Clarks and the Persons. (yes, the Persons!!!) Shane's friend Jenni was in the Queen's band and she got us seats in the royal lady's booth for the final Jousting match! I always wanted to sit there and that lame dream came true last summer! ... I also enjoyed trying on masks and just being silly with Christina and Bethany. Girl time is just fun.
*Seeing Brian Regan with Chancy and Bethany. I really don't have to say much more. The dude is hilarious.
*Seeing Switchfoot with Christina. I had been wanting to take her to one of their shows forever and we finally had the chance. I scored us front row tickets. ... which didn't matter much when a huge rush of teenyboppers crowded in and security did nothing to stop it. I was a bit more than peeved and a little diappointed to not have a rocket launcher on me at the moment.... but we were still very close and it was fun.
*Laughing my face off with Andy and Tim at the Willowbrook Ballroom. I was really high on caffiene and for some reason thought air quoting prepositions was the funniest thing ever. I laughed so hard, I had tears in my eyes.
*My cousins Elaine and Timmy showing up at Granny's randomly one day just to give her flowers. (it's a bit of a trip for them, they love in Michigan!) It turned into to a full on cookout with the family. Labor Day I think it was? I always confuse that day with Memorial day.
*Luke visiting for a bit while here for a tournament thing of some sort. My favorite moment was when he was remembering that Deda was a Mason. "so what, he like ran the world or something didn't he?"
*Spending the day shopping with Christina, we went to Ikea and got a 1 dollar ice cream cone.. oh man, that ice cream was DELICIOUS.
*Meeting Crystal in person for the first time. She's a really cool and fun person.... and we got coffee and went to Ulta. How much more perfect can a day be?
*Helping with VBS at the church. It was my first time even going there without Shane and I was horribly nervous. It's hard to explain but that was something that was insanely out of my comfort zone. But i did it and I loved it. I loved it so much that it lead me to my next moment....
*Teaching Sunday School. I really adore those little Kindergarteners.
*Crash Fest with the Clarks... things were on fire, stuff collided, tires left their cars... it was good times.
*Kentucky. It was the first time Shane came with us for the Kentucky family reunion. I was so excited to have him there, i almost bursted. Though I was worried he would be bored there and he was a little too. But once that man had Catfish Kitchen, I knew part of Tucky won him over. The whole trip turned into a really good time.
*Circus. The Circus came to our town over the summer and it was really cool! I had seen the Circus in big arenas before but never a real one in a real tent! It was so cool and so much fun! I didn't want it to end.
*The Flaming Lips/Phoenix/Pete Yorn concert with Shane. Though I really didn't dig the Flaming Lips musically, it was definitely an experince I'm glad I had. There were huge balloons and loads of confetti. That's just cool.
*Joining Small Groups. Small Groups is a collection of seperate bible studies that consists of members of our Church. The Small Groups usually meet in someone's home. The idea is that... as more members join and a single group becomes bigger, people within it are supposed to branch off and start their own small group. We started going to the group that meets at Moe and Patty's house. At the time we entered, the group wasn't that big. But there seem to be a lot of us now and I think everyone's kind of hesitant to split up. I know I would definitely miss everyone. I guess we'll have to see how big our group gets! But yea, I am so grateful to God for leading us to that group. It's wonderful to enjoy Fellowship with such amazing and funny people. I love what it's taught me so far and I can't wait for more! ... oh and there are always home made desserts to eat after every study. YUM!
*Seeing the White House in person for the first time. It really is quite beautiful. My favorite moment was when I was zooming in with my camera to see what was on the roof (my camera has an INSANE zoom) and it turned out to be a security officer with binoculars looking right back at me.
*Seeing the Lincoln Memorial. It's something I've always wanted to see and it was quite impressive. It looks much larger in person than it does on tv.
*Touching many many many old planes from certain times in history at the Air and Space Museum. People aren't actually supposed to touch them, but what can I say, I'm a rebel. And it was way too easy to lean over ropes and go for it.
*Thanksgiving and Christmas at the Clarks. I love all of my friends and spending holidays with them. "Friends are the family you choose." ... and the more time I spend with them, the more true I find that to be.
*First Christmas with my husband. We opened gifts on Christmas eve in our PJ's. The whole holiday was so pleasant. And we went to the candle light service for the first time at the church. It was so beautiful, I almost cried.
*The countdown to 2010. It didn't feel at all like NYE to me during the day and I wasn't at all excited... until Shane and I went to see the Highland fireworks. We walked up to what was a massive loud crowd gathered together on a pavillion in front of a big clock. That excited NYE feeling came in one big rush! We shared our first NYE countdown as hubby and wifey and then saw what were the best fireworks we had ever seen in our entire lives. ... Though I guess that moment counts as 2010. But I had to include it. I highly suggest people see the Highland foreworks for new years next year. They were unbelievable.
So I think that's it. I may remember more and if I do, I will update!
Happy 2010!
*Getting married. Maybe it's a little corny, but it seriously was the best day of my life. I was fine up until a few minutes before the ceremony, then I got very nervous. But when I got to the altar and turned to look my groom in the eye, all nervousness magically faded and I knew everything would be alright... forever.
*Honeymoon in Mexico. We were upgraded to a villa on the beach upon our arrival. It was beautiful. The resort was perfect, the Riviera May was perfect, the whole trip was so wonderfully memorable. Even me getting sea sick gives us a story to tell.
*The stupid dumb lame ridiculous mobile. ... riding in the Yukon everywhere in Washington D.C. This thing was so enourmous on the outside, that it was too big for clearance for parking garages at the museums... yet so insanely tiny on the inside that anyone who sat in that last row surrendered any hope of comfort for their knees.
*Arlington... a lot of uphill walking that did cruel and mean things to my legs. but in the end I look back on it and feel that it was worth it. Seeing Arlington is something a person definitely does not forget.
*Calling 911 for the first time. While driving on the expressway, Shane noticed a car off to the side that looked like it had hit the rail and it's fender was no longer on it. I called and they said someone was already on the way. Sooo not a big deal, but it was my first time calling!
*Moving in to our first apartment. There was some adjusting, but I loved it right away. It's pretty and has floor length mirrors everywhere... which makes the place look bigger than it actually is.
*Bowling my first turkey! I had completely sucked the first 9 frames and was feeling blue. Couldn't get a strike, a spare, anything. Then in the last frame, I went and got a turkey! *gobble gobble*
*Watching someone in our league bowl a perfect game. It was amazing! The whole place was silent and waiting up until Tom's last shot... he threw the ball, and it seemed like slow motion. Then BAM, all pins down! The whole alley errupted in cheers! it was so exciting!
*The bachelorette party. Jennifer, my cousin and matron of honor.... made it PERFECT. I got my first ever manicure and pedicure and fell in loooove. Who knew how awesome that could be? We got drinks and I opened up all my pretty gifts, then we had a crazy wonderful time at Tony and Tina's Wedding, and to top it all off, we all went bowling at Rock N Bowl... which was a place Jennifer and I spent a loooot of time at when we were kids with our moms bowling in a league there. It was so memorable and so awesome going back there. I couldn't have asked for a better party. ... the ride home in the limo was fun too. My other cousin Michelle is funny.
*The wedding shower. I was seriously and totally surprised by it... to the point that I felt so stupid for not catching on sooner. I was told it was my older cousin's anniversary party and not to bring gifts. ... you would think I'd of known from the whole no gift thing that it was my shower, but i had NO idea. I loved it. It was fun, had yummy food, got great presents, and had amazing company!
*Dancing in Brian's parent's basement. There was this video on youtube of a swing dance routine that we were trying to copy. The way the couple finished looked easy and cool, but it was sooo hard. It took us forever to figure out and then to do it right... but when we did, i was so excited! it was an awesome moment. Despite being so exhausting.
*Sitting on the Clarks' cat. I was at Andy and Christina's and went to sit down on a dining room chair at the same time that Valentine was jumping up to sit on it. I kept thinking "what is this pressure I'm feeling and why can't i sit down all the way?!!!" Then Christina exploded with laughter and i realized i had nailed poor Val! I'm sorry kitty!
*Any time spent with Nicholas and Abby. They are cute, sweet, and funny... I just plain love those kids.
*Going to Linkin Park Zoo with Christina and Lauren. Not the best zoo, but wonderful company. We had fun being silly in the gift shop and making fun of the monkeys.
*The Taste of Chicago with Chancy and Bethany. The whole day was fun. At that point I hadn't really had the chance to talk to Bethany much so it was really cool getting to know her more.
*Ren Faire with The Clarks and the Persons. (yes, the Persons!!!) Shane's friend Jenni was in the Queen's band and she got us seats in the royal lady's booth for the final Jousting match! I always wanted to sit there and that lame dream came true last summer! ... I also enjoyed trying on masks and just being silly with Christina and Bethany. Girl time is just fun.
*Seeing Brian Regan with Chancy and Bethany. I really don't have to say much more. The dude is hilarious.
*Seeing Switchfoot with Christina. I had been wanting to take her to one of their shows forever and we finally had the chance. I scored us front row tickets. ... which didn't matter much when a huge rush of teenyboppers crowded in and security did nothing to stop it. I was a bit more than peeved and a little diappointed to not have a rocket launcher on me at the moment.... but we were still very close and it was fun.
*Laughing my face off with Andy and Tim at the Willowbrook Ballroom. I was really high on caffiene and for some reason thought air quoting prepositions was the funniest thing ever. I laughed so hard, I had tears in my eyes.
*My cousins Elaine and Timmy showing up at Granny's randomly one day just to give her flowers. (it's a bit of a trip for them, they love in Michigan!) It turned into to a full on cookout with the family. Labor Day I think it was? I always confuse that day with Memorial day.
*Luke visiting for a bit while here for a tournament thing of some sort. My favorite moment was when he was remembering that Deda was a Mason. "so what, he like ran the world or something didn't he?"
*Spending the day shopping with Christina, we went to Ikea and got a 1 dollar ice cream cone.. oh man, that ice cream was DELICIOUS.
*Meeting Crystal in person for the first time. She's a really cool and fun person.... and we got coffee and went to Ulta. How much more perfect can a day be?
*Helping with VBS at the church. It was my first time even going there without Shane and I was horribly nervous. It's hard to explain but that was something that was insanely out of my comfort zone. But i did it and I loved it. I loved it so much that it lead me to my next moment....
*Teaching Sunday School. I really adore those little Kindergarteners.
*Crash Fest with the Clarks... things were on fire, stuff collided, tires left their cars... it was good times.
*Kentucky. It was the first time Shane came with us for the Kentucky family reunion. I was so excited to have him there, i almost bursted. Though I was worried he would be bored there and he was a little too. But once that man had Catfish Kitchen, I knew part of Tucky won him over. The whole trip turned into a really good time.
*Circus. The Circus came to our town over the summer and it was really cool! I had seen the Circus in big arenas before but never a real one in a real tent! It was so cool and so much fun! I didn't want it to end.
*The Flaming Lips/Phoenix/Pete Yorn concert with Shane. Though I really didn't dig the Flaming Lips musically, it was definitely an experince I'm glad I had. There were huge balloons and loads of confetti. That's just cool.
*Joining Small Groups. Small Groups is a collection of seperate bible studies that consists of members of our Church. The Small Groups usually meet in someone's home. The idea is that... as more members join and a single group becomes bigger, people within it are supposed to branch off and start their own small group. We started going to the group that meets at Moe and Patty's house. At the time we entered, the group wasn't that big. But there seem to be a lot of us now and I think everyone's kind of hesitant to split up. I know I would definitely miss everyone. I guess we'll have to see how big our group gets! But yea, I am so grateful to God for leading us to that group. It's wonderful to enjoy Fellowship with such amazing and funny people. I love what it's taught me so far and I can't wait for more! ... oh and there are always home made desserts to eat after every study. YUM!
*Seeing the White House in person for the first time. It really is quite beautiful. My favorite moment was when I was zooming in with my camera to see what was on the roof (my camera has an INSANE zoom) and it turned out to be a security officer with binoculars looking right back at me.
*Seeing the Lincoln Memorial. It's something I've always wanted to see and it was quite impressive. It looks much larger in person than it does on tv.
*Touching many many many old planes from certain times in history at the Air and Space Museum. People aren't actually supposed to touch them, but what can I say, I'm a rebel. And it was way too easy to lean over ropes and go for it.
*Thanksgiving and Christmas at the Clarks. I love all of my friends and spending holidays with them. "Friends are the family you choose." ... and the more time I spend with them, the more true I find that to be.
*First Christmas with my husband. We opened gifts on Christmas eve in our PJ's. The whole holiday was so pleasant. And we went to the candle light service for the first time at the church. It was so beautiful, I almost cried.
*The countdown to 2010. It didn't feel at all like NYE to me during the day and I wasn't at all excited... until Shane and I went to see the Highland fireworks. We walked up to what was a massive loud crowd gathered together on a pavillion in front of a big clock. That excited NYE feeling came in one big rush! We shared our first NYE countdown as hubby and wifey and then saw what were the best fireworks we had ever seen in our entire lives. ... Though I guess that moment counts as 2010. But I had to include it. I highly suggest people see the Highland foreworks for new years next year. They were unbelievable.
So I think that's it. I may remember more and if I do, I will update!
Happy 2010!
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