I feel like Bambi alone in a forest

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pray for me, people.

I have no idea what to do with myself these days. I feel absolutely and completely lost. Not having a job for so long does not do positive things for the self-esteem. I don't even know what I would enjoy, what would make me happy. And have no idea what I would actually be good at. I've been looking into Medical Assisting lately but I just don't feel comfortable with the idea of going to school and being jobless. And if I was going to school and working at the same time, I would feel Shaneless. I wouldn't see him very much and I don't want that.

Homer Hickam's idea of a Rocket Boy or a Rocket Girl is someone who knows what they want to do, they go after it, and they get it. When I met him a few years ago, he called me a Rocket Girl... now here I am wondering what the heck that crazy man was thinking? The only thing I really enjoy and already know I'm good at is video editing. But I have no idea where I would even start with that as far as schooling or careering (that's right, i made up a word) would go. I don't exactly see many postings for video editors or film editors on Craigslist these days. Other than that, I feel that I've got nothin.

Dental Assisting was fun while it lasted but some part of me is over it. I know I wouldn't be happy with that again though if that's the only job I can find right now, I will take it.

Journalism I was good at but that's a nearly impossible industry to succeed in... unless my dream is to write obituaries for a few decades.

And other than those things, I've never really been great at anything else.

I don't know what to do but to pray for some newfound skill or passion.

Untill then, I feel like a shivering scared little animal. Which way do I go? Which path do I take? I don't like this feeling of being all alone in a big scary place, especially since I can't find my way anywhere without a GPS and animals don't have thumbs...

It's all for the best

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I think these guys did this very well.

Fast forward to about 35 seconds in.