So Shane and I saw the Dark Knight on Thursday.
First of all, how is at all possible that no one is freakin talking about the fact that Two Face is in it? You would think that would be huge.
Second of all, yea it's quickly becoming one of, if not thee top money makin movie of all time but HELLO ticket prices are almost twice as much as they used to be. Take the ticket sales from the original Star Wars and add about a gazillion dollars to it and it would be the top grossing movie of all time too.
Bunch of media idiots.
Ok... so on to some good stuff. Heath Ledger... definitely an insanely awesome Joker. Though that whole tongue lick thing he did in the entire movie, was totally taken from the character of Barty Crouch Jr. in the Harry Potter movies. But other than that, very good and very scary.
The bat mobile... SUPER AWESOMERIFIC. I looooove the fact that the Lamborghini Bruce drives after the bat mobile gets destroyed is a DOWNGRADE from his car. Fantastic.
Not as many Chicago shots as I hoped for but the ones we saw were cool. Loved the Randolph train station stuff and the slow motion semi-truck flip was shown right in front of the building my mom works in ... the Chicago Board of Trade.
Still don't see what's so great about Christian Bale. He has awesome hair but that's about it. His mouth is shaped funny and the dude is just mean and lifeless. He's the same guy in everything I see him in.
Also would have seriously loved this movie if it was at least 45 minutes shorter. I will not be watching it again for a very long time, don't have the patience to sit through all the non-action dragging moments again.
But all in all, it was good. Which is big coming from me cuz I am not a Batman fan. Batman Begins bored me out of my mind and the other ones were all just too weird. (though I did love Batman Forever)
Soooo yea, that's my opinion on that for those who were wondering.