So where was I tonight when Nick Swisher hit another grand slam?
Now I am still all about my Cubbies, but I like the Sox and I loooove Nick Swisher. It was awesome times. Plus the entire upper deck did the wave twice! I was so excited. I love and miss the wave.
Good times.
Sandy times
Posted by
Chrissy Conklin
7:12 PM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Who wants to go to the beach sometime sooooooon? (after I am no longer burnt)
I have one vote from Shane, Chancy, and myself so far.
I think it'd be fun to get a nice little group there.
I have one vote from Shane, Chancy, and myself so far.
I think it'd be fun to get a nice little group there.
In your fizzace!
Posted by
Chrissy Conklin
7:56 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
That's what I feel like saying to my x-employers.
Was just told today by my new awesomerific boss that he's giving me my own office at our new place.
I win.
In other news, I have a problemo. I have Switchoot tickets and the other day Shane surprised me with Jim Gaffigan tickets... both of these events are happening on the same night. I've never seen Jim or any really good comedian before... but these are seriously the best Switchfoot tickets I have ever had and this is through over 10 years of attending concerts. I seriously managed to get the best seats in the house... front row, center. I do NOT want to pass that up. What do I dooooo?
I'm waiting to hear back from Jon... if Switchfoot is playing last, there's a chance we can see Jim first and still make it to see SF's performance.
But if not... I DUNNO! *goes insane*
Was just told today by my new awesomerific boss that he's giving me my own office at our new place.
I win.
In other news, I have a problemo. I have Switchoot tickets and the other day Shane surprised me with Jim Gaffigan tickets... both of these events are happening on the same night. I've never seen Jim or any really good comedian before... but these are seriously the best Switchfoot tickets I have ever had and this is through over 10 years of attending concerts. I seriously managed to get the best seats in the house... front row, center. I do NOT want to pass that up. What do I dooooo?
I'm waiting to hear back from Jon... if Switchfoot is playing last, there's a chance we can see Jim first and still make it to see SF's performance.
But if not... I DUNNO! *goes insane*
Funny Quotes
Posted by
Chrissy Conklin
11:03 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Every now and then I like to post my fave quotes from my friends somewhere. Re-reading them always makes me laugh...
Marcel: I love how Bill Paxton's solution to every big problem is to get in a car and drive towards it.
Latres: Phil, what month is your b-day in?
Josh: Banana
(5 minutes later)
Latres: ....Banana isn't a month!
Chancy: Once women have babies Colt stops listening to them.
Colt: Couldn't you just see me hitting a woman with a baby, wanting to know why I can't hear them?
Chrissy: That poor baby... why are you using the baby to hit the woman?(silence)
Colt: OH! No not hitting a woman with a baby, hitting a woman WITH a baby... as in she has one! JEEZ get your commas right!
Colt: Hey is that guy Jewish? ... Or is he just bald?
(my friends and I doing voiceovers for the Matrix)
Neo: I hate telemarketers... they always lead to bad dreams.
Morpheus: Here... all is not... and is ... ... ... will be.
Neo: Are those drugs?
Morpheus: Yes, take these drugs.
Neo: Good I need some drugs right now.
Morpheus: When you take these drugs there is a chance that you might die... but that is part of the test.
Neo: A test? But I thought they were just drugs, now it's a test?
Morpheus: ...... It's a drug test.
Luke: Hey Joel, you wanna know something about Sum 41?
Joel: What's that?
Luke: The first letter in Sum 41... is actually the same as the first letter in Switchfoot.
Joel: Are you serious?
Luke: Yea, and I bet a lot of people don't even realize it.
Joel: You know something else, the first number in Sum 41 is ALSO the second number in 24.
Luke: I don't get it.
Joel: Well then you're not a real Switchfoot fan.
Brandon: Q is so awesome.
Me: I hate Q. I can't watch Q. The guy who played Q also played a rapist in the Hand That Rocks the Cradle.
Brandon: That sounds familiar is that a book? Oh you know what's a good book and is a lot like LOST?
Me: What?
Brandon: Oh what the heck is the name of that book? I can't think of it. But did you see Lost last week? That was so great.
Me: Yea I know, I love Locke, he's my favorite character.
Brandon: I can't wait for September, it's coming out on DVD then.
Me: Are you serious? I didn't know that.
Brandon: Yea... and the season finale is coming up soon. I think someone is going to die.
Me: I hope it's Kate.
Brandon: It will be good though.
Me: We should have a Lost night for the 2 hour finale.
Brandon: Hey yea let's do that and we can make popcorn and not eat it.
Phil: We can watch it upstairs.
Brandon: But I got sidetracked, what was I talking about before. OH! SPEAKING OF RAPISTS!!! ...
Luke: Ok if Switchfoot and Lord of the Rings were to have a baby, it would be Chrissy.
Me: And what would they name it?
Luke: ... "Chrissy." They are very un-original.
(Luke sits down in the living room with all these people he's never met before)Luke: What's up guys? Been a long time, like what 19 years?
(people sit in silence, confused by this strange new person)
"Life stinks, don't you?"
"If Dorothy went shopping with the world we'd all be broke."
"There are no houses of mail!" (in response to me using 'de' in a spanish sentence where 'de' was not required. O.o )
Fifi: What if you were in a field and there was a tornado coming towards you? Well what you do is while you're being swung all over the place by the twister is to slap yourself in the face several times and say "Why the hell was I standing out in an open field when there's a tornado outside?!"
Me: (singing) I like to eat, eat, eat apples and baneenies.
Chancy: (joining in) I like to oat, oat, oat apples and banonos.
Philip: What are you doing?
Me: It's a song.
Philip: I SAID IT'S NOT!!!!!!
Me: "You guys are really heavy on your feet. You shook the whole house! (referring to DDR)Chancy: Well I wasn't raised in a ballroom, I was raised in a mosh pit.
Andrew: Chrissy says 'slut' a lot, you ever notice that?
Philip: Yea and 'typical.'
Andrew: *nods head* Typical slut.
Philip: You know when you can't remember anything you've done that you've had a good day.
Kristin: You know I was watching the commercial for State Farm Insurance and their slogan is "We live where you live," and that scares me.
Ben: You can't kill the bear! Bears are endangered animals!
Philip: Well endangered animals are a dime a dozen.
Grant: Can you hear that, Chrissy? Can you? Can you HEAR the midgets?!!!
Grant: If midgets were meant to fly, God would have given them wings.
Colt: Howcome you never put any of my quotes in your profile? Chancy says his ABC's and suddenly it's the first quote at the top of the page I mean c'mon.
Colt: Open foot, insert mouth.
Colt: See, you're no longer in the loop.
Me: What loop?! There is no loop! What are you talking about?
Colt: Me and Chancy are gonna have our own loop and you can't be in it.
Me: I was never in a loop!
Chancy: You ARE the loop. You're the Queen. Nothing ever happens if Chrissy's not there.
(I had to put that one ^ in there, cuz he called me the Queen! Mwahahahaha. *owns everyone* )
Marcel: Look at you walkin around with two shoes on, I'll tell you what!
Chancy: We discovered that the answer to every question is "The Matrix."
Fifi: How is that possible?
Chancy & me: The Matrix.
Colt: Ok you guys suck.
Fifi: Ooooh there's some llamas on tv! I love llam- wait, those aren't llamas, those are camels! Camels are so stupid!
Me: You're racist against camels?
Fifi: I am not. Llamas are better, they have their own song, I mean who would write a song about camels?
Me: (referring to Halo) Rob, how come you're always on a bridge or a building somewhere? Come down and fight me like a man.
Rob: Ok ok. (jumps down) Where's Chrissy?
Philip: On a bridge.
Rob: Everything is the Indian's fault... they shouldn't have gotten on our land before we got here. I mean why would they do that? They know we're coming... so why take our land? Now they all live on them reservations, I mean c'mon... I don't know who they're reserving it for!
Ben: My flag doesn't look like a puppy dog flag... you got the puppy dog flag.
Chancy: (while mocking Ben) Yea, I've got a big strong manly flag!
Colt: Why'd you kill me?!
Chancy: I killed you to save you.
Colt: That doesn't make any sense.
Chancy: Ok... you know how you kill a horse? (silence)
Rob: What's the difference between Mexicans and Indians?
Chancy: Mexicans are from Mexico and Indians are from Indio.
KrysCross: The band name is Hardly/Plenty. What do YOU think it means?
Squeak Foo: If you look at is as a fraction, Hardly/Plenty... Assuming Hardly is greater than Plenty. Plenty should divide into Hardly. How many times is unknown, but the overall assumtion is that you'll have Plenty before you Hardly have enough.
Rob: Hey I've seen some people walk through bushes, but man... you do it pretty well.
Fifi: You're either a mime or a quaker.
Colt: You can't die!
Me: You're Chancey!
Me: Hey Hat... I mean Chancy.
Chancy: You only like me for my hat.
Me: Noooo I like you for your charm and your wit and your... gimme the hat.
Chancy: We were all sitting around one day talking about middle names and Chrissy looks at me and goes "Chancy, what's your middle name?"(everyone starts laughing except Sarah and Colt)Colt: I don't get it.
Sarah: That's your real middle name?!
Colt: Ohhhhh!
Me: Marcel, have you ever seen Twister?
Marcel: Naked pancakes. (walks away)
(20 minutes later...)
Marcel: Yes.
Marcel: I'm just gonna eat my soup now.
Felicia: EAT YOUR SOUP????!!!!
Everyone: (awkward silence)
Mom: What a pistol that Colt is, he's a real son of a gun.
Me: Good job, Sherlock.
Marcel: Look who's talking, Watson.
Me: How come you never see any Governors on Governor's Highway?
Mom: Well probably the same reason you don't see any Presidents when you stay in the Presidential Suite.
Me: We can't afford the Presidential Suite.
Mom: Oh.
Kevin: True or False... The Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Omi: Well that has to be false. We don't even know where Pearl Harbor is!
Felicia: This is the song of my people.
Me: You don't have any people.
Felicia: Imma make some.
Me: What should we do for Halloween?
Bailey (the newspaper advisor):
How bout putting a Newspaper out?
Me: Yea, that will definately scare people.
Felicia: Let it hang... like Barbie at her Birthday party.
Debo: Shelly and I need a good 'He Said, She Said' topic to argue about in the Newspaper.
Sarah: What about rape? (awkward silence)
Cassie: You can't argue about that.
Bailey. Yes Debo, write about how men SHOULD rape women.
(everyone laughs)
Bailey: We'll put your picture next to the article and have your name in big bold letters. Everyone will loooove you.
Cathy: (while driving us home from the city) OMG! They have lights in the projects?!
Me: I turn invisible when no one's looking.
Max: I turn meaningless when no one's listening.
Kent: My birthday is this week.
Max: Exactly.
Rob: Now you know people would be upset if they made a WET as opposed to the BET. I mean we all know how much BET loves the Foo Foo's.
Marcel(in Alanis Moressette voice while playing Risk): I've got one piece in my pocket and the other one is taken over Northern Europe.
Felicia: You just killed him!
Kevin: It was a mercy killing.
Felicia: That wasn't a mercy killing, you beat him in the face.
Jenny: I played Bingo over the weekend!
Jon: Really? That's so weird cuz I almost played Bingo too.
Jenny: Really?
Jon: Yea but we ended up having sex instead. Guess I lost the toss on that one.
(Fiehn on how to get rid of demons)Fiehn: You want demons out of your house? All you do is exercise em. Man I tell you, 50 sit-ups, 100 jumping-jacks... they'll be out of your house before you know it.
Felicia: Is that perfume female or uni-sex?
Me: It's the scent of Chrissy.
Felicia: So it's uni-sex?
Tony: Hey man, why you got all them strawberries on your plate?
Jason: Cuz I'm a player.
Felicia: A player of what?
Hector: Strawberries.
Fiehn: Dang, where did the past 3 hours go?
Chancy: We stole them from Iraq.
Me: Hey howcome whenever I see you, you're going to English class?Hector: Cuz that's what I do. In my spare time I go to English.
Andy: How come your mom didn't get you anything that's not chocolate for Easter?
Christina: Because she loves me?
Me: Be careful with those ukulele strings, I don't know where we'd get more if they broke.
Shane: Amazon.
Me: The amazon? I didn't know strings grew in the amazon? (trying to impersonate Steve Irwin but my accent comes out horribly) Here we are today in the amazon on the hunt for ukulele string...
Shane: (making fun of me in an austrailian accent) And by the way, my mother was Australian and my father was retarded!
(sitting around trying to think of ideas for a star wars parody)
Rob: I should be the main bad guy. But I want something really different. Like I can wear boots... and there will be lightsabers coming out of them. But I'll also have 2 lightsabers in my hands... OH and I will hover. Could you imagine that coming at you? A huge vader like person wearing saberboots and floating after you...
Marcel: I love how Bill Paxton's solution to every big problem is to get in a car and drive towards it.
Latres: Phil, what month is your b-day in?
Josh: Banana
(5 minutes later)
Latres: ....Banana isn't a month!
Chancy: Once women have babies Colt stops listening to them.
Colt: Couldn't you just see me hitting a woman with a baby, wanting to know why I can't hear them?
Chrissy: That poor baby... why are you using the baby to hit the woman?(silence)
Colt: OH! No not hitting a woman with a baby, hitting a woman WITH a baby... as in she has one! JEEZ get your commas right!
Colt: Hey is that guy Jewish? ... Or is he just bald?
(my friends and I doing voiceovers for the Matrix)
Neo: I hate telemarketers... they always lead to bad dreams.
Morpheus: Here... all is not... and is ... ... ... will be.
Neo: Are those drugs?
Morpheus: Yes, take these drugs.
Neo: Good I need some drugs right now.
Morpheus: When you take these drugs there is a chance that you might die... but that is part of the test.
Neo: A test? But I thought they were just drugs, now it's a test?
Morpheus: ...... It's a drug test.
Luke: Hey Joel, you wanna know something about Sum 41?
Joel: What's that?
Luke: The first letter in Sum 41... is actually the same as the first letter in Switchfoot.
Joel: Are you serious?
Luke: Yea, and I bet a lot of people don't even realize it.
Joel: You know something else, the first number in Sum 41 is ALSO the second number in 24.
Luke: I don't get it.
Joel: Well then you're not a real Switchfoot fan.
Brandon: Q is so awesome.
Me: I hate Q. I can't watch Q. The guy who played Q also played a rapist in the Hand That Rocks the Cradle.
Brandon: That sounds familiar is that a book? Oh you know what's a good book and is a lot like LOST?
Me: What?
Brandon: Oh what the heck is the name of that book? I can't think of it. But did you see Lost last week? That was so great.
Me: Yea I know, I love Locke, he's my favorite character.
Brandon: I can't wait for September, it's coming out on DVD then.
Me: Are you serious? I didn't know that.
Brandon: Yea... and the season finale is coming up soon. I think someone is going to die.
Me: I hope it's Kate.
Brandon: It will be good though.
Me: We should have a Lost night for the 2 hour finale.
Brandon: Hey yea let's do that and we can make popcorn and not eat it.
Phil: We can watch it upstairs.
Brandon: But I got sidetracked, what was I talking about before. OH! SPEAKING OF RAPISTS!!! ...
Luke: Ok if Switchfoot and Lord of the Rings were to have a baby, it would be Chrissy.
Me: And what would they name it?
Luke: ... "Chrissy." They are very un-original.
(Luke sits down in the living room with all these people he's never met before)Luke: What's up guys? Been a long time, like what 19 years?
(people sit in silence, confused by this strange new person)
"Life stinks, don't you?"
"If Dorothy went shopping with the world we'd all be broke."
"There are no houses of mail!" (in response to me using 'de' in a spanish sentence where 'de' was not required. O.o )
Fifi: What if you were in a field and there was a tornado coming towards you? Well what you do is while you're being swung all over the place by the twister is to slap yourself in the face several times and say "Why the hell was I standing out in an open field when there's a tornado outside?!"
Me: (singing) I like to eat, eat, eat apples and baneenies.
Chancy: (joining in) I like to oat, oat, oat apples and banonos.
Philip: What are you doing?
Me: It's a song.
Philip: I SAID IT'S NOT!!!!!!
Me: "You guys are really heavy on your feet. You shook the whole house! (referring to DDR)Chancy: Well I wasn't raised in a ballroom, I was raised in a mosh pit.
Andrew: Chrissy says 'slut' a lot, you ever notice that?
Philip: Yea and 'typical.'
Andrew: *nods head* Typical slut.
Philip: You know when you can't remember anything you've done that you've had a good day.
Kristin: You know I was watching the commercial for State Farm Insurance and their slogan is "We live where you live," and that scares me.
Ben: You can't kill the bear! Bears are endangered animals!
Philip: Well endangered animals are a dime a dozen.
Grant: Can you hear that, Chrissy? Can you? Can you HEAR the midgets?!!!
Grant: If midgets were meant to fly, God would have given them wings.
Colt: Howcome you never put any of my quotes in your profile? Chancy says his ABC's and suddenly it's the first quote at the top of the page I mean c'mon.
Colt: Open foot, insert mouth.
Colt: See, you're no longer in the loop.
Me: What loop?! There is no loop! What are you talking about?
Colt: Me and Chancy are gonna have our own loop and you can't be in it.
Me: I was never in a loop!
Chancy: You ARE the loop. You're the Queen. Nothing ever happens if Chrissy's not there.
(I had to put that one ^ in there, cuz he called me the Queen! Mwahahahaha. *owns everyone* )
Marcel: Look at you walkin around with two shoes on, I'll tell you what!
Chancy: We discovered that the answer to every question is "The Matrix."
Fifi: How is that possible?
Chancy & me: The Matrix.
Colt: Ok you guys suck.
Fifi: Ooooh there's some llamas on tv! I love llam- wait, those aren't llamas, those are camels! Camels are so stupid!
Me: You're racist against camels?
Fifi: I am not. Llamas are better, they have their own song, I mean who would write a song about camels?
Me: (referring to Halo) Rob, how come you're always on a bridge or a building somewhere? Come down and fight me like a man.
Rob: Ok ok. (jumps down) Where's Chrissy?
Philip: On a bridge.
Rob: Everything is the Indian's fault... they shouldn't have gotten on our land before we got here. I mean why would they do that? They know we're coming... so why take our land? Now they all live on them reservations, I mean c'mon... I don't know who they're reserving it for!
Ben: My flag doesn't look like a puppy dog flag... you got the puppy dog flag.
Chancy: (while mocking Ben) Yea, I've got a big strong manly flag!
Colt: Why'd you kill me?!
Chancy: I killed you to save you.
Colt: That doesn't make any sense.
Chancy: Ok... you know how you kill a horse? (silence)
Rob: What's the difference between Mexicans and Indians?
Chancy: Mexicans are from Mexico and Indians are from Indio.
KrysCross: The band name is Hardly/Plenty. What do YOU think it means?
Squeak Foo: If you look at is as a fraction, Hardly/Plenty... Assuming Hardly is greater than Plenty. Plenty should divide into Hardly. How many times is unknown, but the overall assumtion is that you'll have Plenty before you Hardly have enough.
Rob: Hey I've seen some people walk through bushes, but man... you do it pretty well.
Fifi: You're either a mime or a quaker.
Colt: You can't die!
Me: You're Chancey!
Me: Hey Hat... I mean Chancy.
Chancy: You only like me for my hat.
Me: Noooo I like you for your charm and your wit and your... gimme the hat.
Chancy: We were all sitting around one day talking about middle names and Chrissy looks at me and goes "Chancy, what's your middle name?"(everyone starts laughing except Sarah and Colt)Colt: I don't get it.
Sarah: That's your real middle name?!
Colt: Ohhhhh!
Me: Marcel, have you ever seen Twister?
Marcel: Naked pancakes. (walks away)
(20 minutes later...)
Marcel: Yes.
Marcel: I'm just gonna eat my soup now.
Felicia: EAT YOUR SOUP????!!!!
Everyone: (awkward silence)
Mom: What a pistol that Colt is, he's a real son of a gun.
Me: Good job, Sherlock.
Marcel: Look who's talking, Watson.
Me: How come you never see any Governors on Governor's Highway?
Mom: Well probably the same reason you don't see any Presidents when you stay in the Presidential Suite.
Me: We can't afford the Presidential Suite.
Mom: Oh.
Kevin: True or False... The Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Omi: Well that has to be false. We don't even know where Pearl Harbor is!
Felicia: This is the song of my people.
Me: You don't have any people.
Felicia: Imma make some.
Me: What should we do for Halloween?
Bailey (the newspaper advisor):
How bout putting a Newspaper out?
Me: Yea, that will definately scare people.
Felicia: Let it hang... like Barbie at her Birthday party.
Debo: Shelly and I need a good 'He Said, She Said' topic to argue about in the Newspaper.
Sarah: What about rape? (awkward silence)
Cassie: You can't argue about that.
Bailey. Yes Debo, write about how men SHOULD rape women.
(everyone laughs)
Bailey: We'll put your picture next to the article and have your name in big bold letters. Everyone will loooove you.
Cathy: (while driving us home from the city) OMG! They have lights in the projects?!
Me: I turn invisible when no one's looking.
Max: I turn meaningless when no one's listening.
Kent: My birthday is this week.
Max: Exactly.
Rob: Now you know people would be upset if they made a WET as opposed to the BET. I mean we all know how much BET loves the Foo Foo's.
Marcel(in Alanis Moressette voice while playing Risk): I've got one piece in my pocket and the other one is taken over Northern Europe.
Felicia: You just killed him!
Kevin: It was a mercy killing.
Felicia: That wasn't a mercy killing, you beat him in the face.
Jenny: I played Bingo over the weekend!
Jon: Really? That's so weird cuz I almost played Bingo too.
Jenny: Really?
Jon: Yea but we ended up having sex instead. Guess I lost the toss on that one.
(Fiehn on how to get rid of demons)Fiehn: You want demons out of your house? All you do is exercise em. Man I tell you, 50 sit-ups, 100 jumping-jacks... they'll be out of your house before you know it.
Felicia: Is that perfume female or uni-sex?
Me: It's the scent of Chrissy.
Felicia: So it's uni-sex?
Tony: Hey man, why you got all them strawberries on your plate?
Jason: Cuz I'm a player.
Felicia: A player of what?
Hector: Strawberries.
Fiehn: Dang, where did the past 3 hours go?
Chancy: We stole them from Iraq.
Me: Hey howcome whenever I see you, you're going to English class?Hector: Cuz that's what I do. In my spare time I go to English.
Andy: How come your mom didn't get you anything that's not chocolate for Easter?
Christina: Because she loves me?
Me: Be careful with those ukulele strings, I don't know where we'd get more if they broke.
Shane: Amazon.
Me: The amazon? I didn't know strings grew in the amazon? (trying to impersonate Steve Irwin but my accent comes out horribly) Here we are today in the amazon on the hunt for ukulele string...
Shane: (making fun of me in an austrailian accent) And by the way, my mother was Australian and my father was retarded!
(sitting around trying to think of ideas for a star wars parody)
Rob: I should be the main bad guy. But I want something really different. Like I can wear boots... and there will be lightsabers coming out of them. But I'll also have 2 lightsabers in my hands... OH and I will hover. Could you imagine that coming at you? A huge vader like person wearing saberboots and floating after you...
Long post... but read it or die. (in the face)
Posted by
Chrissy Conklin
10:51 PM
Saturday, June 7, 2008
So as some of you may know, I'm starting my new job on Monday!
I had a working interview on Thursday... which is where you go in and work the full day... 9-5 and you decide if you like it and they decide if they like you. ... Well we were all in love! I was crazy nervous about it for a few days but no more than 10 mins after I got there, I was already telling jokes and dancing around and feeling completely at home... which is hard for me. Most people know I can be VERY shy around new people.
And after like 3 patients, I was already jumping in and doing pretty much everything my job will consist of. Though the dental software they use is COMPLETELY different than what I worked with at the other office... I learned uber fast. So almost immediately after I came back from the lunch break, they offered me the job. Dr. Colby said I was assertive and really knew what I was doing and everyone loved me.
Sooo compared to my old job... I'll be making more money here, my position is fancier, there's a No Gossip/No Drama Policy (you have NO idea how bad it was at my old place of employment... every workday was worse than a soap opera), and instead of working every single saturday, I will be working every other Saturday... that is when the summer is over. Until then... NO Saturdays! Every weekend is a 3 day weekend! AND it's like 5 minutes away from Shane... plus they're opening another office that's even closer to him! Lunch is at 2... which is perfect because General Hospital is on at 2 and I can just drive to Shane's and watch it!
I also had another working interview on Friday which was a nightmare. The place was so unorganized and no one could explain what they wanted me to do. (every Dentist prefers things a different way and uses different products) And man, I was not expecting the procedure I had to assist. I've assisted plenty of surgical procedures before (extracting teeth and cutting the gums and whatnot) but this was was much more in depth. The doctor I worked for before only had the tools and time for wisdom teeth cases that were simple... everything else was referred out... so apparently the guy I worked with the other day is one of the ones that people get referred to.
It. Was. Gross.
The wisdom tooth was so hard to get to, that he had to slice a huge freaking cut into the person's cheek! And then it still wouldn't come out so through this hole, he had to dig at it with the drill. So in order to assist this complicated crazyness, not only did I have to work with 2 different types of suction at once, I also had to hold a tongue retractor in there too. So there I am, working with three things at once and only 2 hands while this heavily sedated (and very much asleep) patient is getting his mouth freakin torn apart.
And the amazing part... in the end the tooth came out perfectly whole and when the dentist stitched him up, it looked like nothing had even happened. Soo I gotta say.... despite the disorganization and horrible ability to communicate... the man was freakin awesome at his job.
But yea, I'm sticking with the other one. I just wanted to share my gross/terrifying experience. I felt like I was being thrown from the profession of dental dssistant to surgical nurse with no warning.
In other news... apparently there were tornados and floods and all kinds of crazy things happening everywhere on the planet and it somehow completely passed my town and Shane's.
I had a working interview on Thursday... which is where you go in and work the full day... 9-5 and you decide if you like it and they decide if they like you. ... Well we were all in love! I was crazy nervous about it for a few days but no more than 10 mins after I got there, I was already telling jokes and dancing around and feeling completely at home... which is hard for me. Most people know I can be VERY shy around new people.
And after like 3 patients, I was already jumping in and doing pretty much everything my job will consist of. Though the dental software they use is COMPLETELY different than what I worked with at the other office... I learned uber fast. So almost immediately after I came back from the lunch break, they offered me the job. Dr. Colby said I was assertive and really knew what I was doing and everyone loved me.
Sooo compared to my old job... I'll be making more money here, my position is fancier, there's a No Gossip/No Drama Policy (you have NO idea how bad it was at my old place of employment... every workday was worse than a soap opera), and instead of working every single saturday, I will be working every other Saturday... that is when the summer is over. Until then... NO Saturdays! Every weekend is a 3 day weekend! AND it's like 5 minutes away from Shane... plus they're opening another office that's even closer to him! Lunch is at 2... which is perfect because General Hospital is on at 2 and I can just drive to Shane's and watch it!
I also had another working interview on Friday which was a nightmare. The place was so unorganized and no one could explain what they wanted me to do. (every Dentist prefers things a different way and uses different products) And man, I was not expecting the procedure I had to assist. I've assisted plenty of surgical procedures before (extracting teeth and cutting the gums and whatnot) but this was was much more in depth. The doctor I worked for before only had the tools and time for wisdom teeth cases that were simple... everything else was referred out... so apparently the guy I worked with the other day is one of the ones that people get referred to.
It. Was. Gross.
The wisdom tooth was so hard to get to, that he had to slice a huge freaking cut into the person's cheek! And then it still wouldn't come out so through this hole, he had to dig at it with the drill. So in order to assist this complicated crazyness, not only did I have to work with 2 different types of suction at once, I also had to hold a tongue retractor in there too. So there I am, working with three things at once and only 2 hands while this heavily sedated (and very much asleep) patient is getting his mouth freakin torn apart.
And the amazing part... in the end the tooth came out perfectly whole and when the dentist stitched him up, it looked like nothing had even happened. Soo I gotta say.... despite the disorganization and horrible ability to communicate... the man was freakin awesome at his job.
But yea, I'm sticking with the other one. I just wanted to share my gross/terrifying experience. I felt like I was being thrown from the profession of dental dssistant to surgical nurse with no warning.
In other news... apparently there were tornados and floods and all kinds of crazy things happening everywhere on the planet and it somehow completely passed my town and Shane's.
Where There Are No Cars
Posted by
Chrissy Conklin
10:08 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I’d like to snuggle up with you… in a small crater on the moon.
We could get nice and warm and cozy and drink some hot tea while we watch the stars.
In this place, in this lack of atmosphere, I’d like to rest up ear to ear.
With you I’d like to take a walk… across the moon and step on rocks.
We could dance around them with our simple feet and smile and flirt and be all sweet.
In this galaxy, in this outer space, I’d like for you to gently kiss my face.
And while the rest of the world below us is busy, there are no cars here.
There are no jobs to do, there are no mean people, no silly attitudes.
There is no tragedy, or bumble bees, there will be no solitude, and there are no cars too.
I’d like to be stranded here with you… no place else to travel to.
We could love and laugh and play and with our tongues we’ll say “I love you.”
In this sky, in this pretty universe, there will be no use or other words.
And while the rest of the world below us is busy, we have the stars here.
There are no jobs to do, there are no mean people, no silly attitudes.
There is no tragedy, or bumble bees, there will be no solitude, only us and the stars too.
We could get nice and warm and cozy and drink some hot tea while we watch the stars.
In this place, in this lack of atmosphere, I’d like to rest up ear to ear.
With you I’d like to take a walk… across the moon and step on rocks.
We could dance around them with our simple feet and smile and flirt and be all sweet.
In this galaxy, in this outer space, I’d like for you to gently kiss my face.
And while the rest of the world below us is busy, there are no cars here.
There are no jobs to do, there are no mean people, no silly attitudes.
There is no tragedy, or bumble bees, there will be no solitude, and there are no cars too.
I’d like to be stranded here with you… no place else to travel to.
We could love and laugh and play and with our tongues we’ll say “I love you.”
In this sky, in this pretty universe, there will be no use or other words.
And while the rest of the world below us is busy, we have the stars here.
There are no jobs to do, there are no mean people, no silly attitudes.
There is no tragedy, or bumble bees, there will be no solitude, only us and the stars too.
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